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~June 2022~

"babe are you okay?" Mason asked his girlfriend as she was curled in a ball sitting on couch

"mmm" she groaned as he sat down beside her pulling her hair off of her face

"oh damn, Soph, you look so bad" he said what caused her to feel even worse and burst into tears

"no, oh my god, I didn't mean like that" Mason said pulling her to his chest feeling bad because he said that she look bad but he didn't mean how she got it

"you look so sick, that's why I said you look bad" he said kissing the top of her head as she was crying on his chest

"do you want me to get you something? Tea, chocolate, ice cream? Anything?" he asked as she shook head

"then you probably just want to cuddle at the moment, right?" he asked smiling trying to get even a light smile from his girlfriend but it failed

"I want to be alone" she said surprising him but he nodded deciding to leave her alone for couple of hours

"text me when you decide I can come back" he said kissing her forehead and leaving house

Fortunately Lucy and Ben were still in London so Sophia texted her best friend telling her to come over and buy pregnancy test on the way.

Yes, that was bothering her and that is why she was sick. Her period was late two weeks now, her stomach was hurting along with headache and throwing up and that is why she was all moody.

"it's just me" Lucy shouted from hallway as she entered house walking towards her best friend that was sitting in living room scared of what the test is going to show

"hey, you alright babe?" Lucy asked sitting beside her best friend who just burst into tears again leaning her head on her best friend's chest

"hey, it's okay.....what happened?" Lucy asked stroking her best friend's hair

"I feel so sick past few days, I'm so moody to Mason and I told him to leave" Sophia said looking at her best friend with tears rolling down her cheeks

"it's okay" Lucy said wipping Sophia's cheeks

"you need time to be alone, he understand don't worry" Lucy said pulling Sophia back to hug

"and this" Lucy pulled three pregnancy tests from her purse

"I'm so scared" Sophia said taking tests in her hand

"everything will be fine" Lucy said

"what if I really am pregnant and he don't want it yet?" I asked feeling anxiously

"If he thinks he is not ready yet and if it happen he still will be happy, I'm sure" Lucy said and Sophia took a deep breath walking upstairs to do tests


Couple of minutes past and Lucy was scared of what is happening with Sophia since there wasn't any noise so she knocked on bathroom doors.

"hey, is everything okay in there?" Lucy asked and Sophia slowly opened doors handing the three of pregnancy tests to her best friend as tears were rolling down her cheeks both of happiness and fear

"you're pregnant" Lucy whined smiling at her best friend who was still crying as she saw all three positive tests

"how I'm gonna tell Mason?" Sophia asked as they walked downstairs putting tests on coffee table

"just let it be, when you will come to that one word will follow another and it won't be anything bad, you will totally make his day since he is definitely worrying too much" Lucy said as Sophia just took a deep breath

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