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"Sebastian!" Marie Valerá screamed as her voice cracked through the walls she set up. She couldn't hold in her emotions anymore. The pain from losing another family member flooding her mind.

"You can't leave us Seb! Not like your brother!" Marie cried. "The girls need you! Everyone needs you!"

Sebastian Alejandro. The only man left in the Valerá family's life after the death of the father. Christopher Alejandro.  His death left everyone in despair. So much despair that his brother stayed to comfort the family, and eventually stayed for good. Well that's what we thought until he left.

At those words Sebastian turns around to face Marie. "Marie I have to go. When the time is right I'll be found. When the time is right, it will all be over I promise." Sebastian gives her a bear hug before heading off into his journey.

"SEBASTIAN! NO! A WAR IS BREWING! YOU CANT GO OUT THERE! PLE–" Marie stops speaking realizing he's gone.

She lets her tears fall for a few seconds before a determined look overshadows her face. She couldn't let this ruin her. She couldn't let this ruin her girls.

She storms into her house that's darkened by the night sky. She heads into her daughters room and immediately wakes them up.

"Ma! What's wrong!?" A sleepy Makayla says as her sister Nina sleepily walks in the room after following her mom.

"I'll tell you everything later. You have to pack. Ok?" She grabs both her daughters hands. "Grab everything you can and pack quickly! Be by the front door in 30 minutes. Now go!"

Everyone starts rushing to pack. A flustered Nina packing everything she can find in her small backpack and suitcase. While a confused Makayla packs all her comfortable clothes, and running shoes.


The two sisters finish packing and meet up in their dad's office.

"What do you thinks happening" A confused Nina says.

"I don't know but it has to be something serious if Mom's making us pack up all our stuff" Makayla answers worriedly

"But what about dad's stuff. Everything is all twisted and so confusing. Our uncle isn't here, and our moms going crazy." Nina says anxiously.

"Mom is not going crazy ok. And there is no way that mom would leave dad's stuff."

Nina sighs. "I don't care I still want something of his."

"Fine. Ok. Let's just get something and get out of here before mom sees us in here. You know she hates when we're in here." Makayla says as she gets annoyed

They search the room for some stuff. As they search their each drawn to a different part of the room. Makayla to a bracelet and Nina to a ring. They quickly pocket the stuff before briskly leave the room before they hear their mom shouting for them to come to the front door.


Marie Valerá heads towards her kitchen with her now full suitcase and a large backpack. She heads towards her large spice cabinet and pulls it revealing a secret compartment in the wall. She grabs everything in the compartment and stuffs it in her backpack.

She sets her bags near the door before yelling for her daughters. "GIRLS COME ON WE HAVE TO GO!"

When they get in the room Marie grabs a bottle of vodka and a box of matches before dousing every inch of the house in it. She heads towards the door where her family and their bags reside.

"Come on. We gotta go." She pushes them along with herself out of the front door but not before grabbing another bottle of the alcohol.

With a new bottle in hand she began to douse her house in it. "Step back" she tells her girls before opening and throwing the  match on the house.

She immediately starts walking away from the scene with her daughters scurrying behind her.

As the house is lit up in flames, the memories that were left behind are destroyed.

"Let's find a new home girls" Marie says letting a tear slip from her tired eyes.


Authors Note:

Authors Note:

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what they took from their dad's office

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what they took from their dad's office.

Also I hope you enjoyed the Prologue ;)

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