Part 4

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Bodies were all I saw. Bodies on top of bodies. Some scattered, some right on top of each other. The bodies of my people and the bodies of theirs.

So close to my home. I didn't realize how sheltered I was until I saw it all. Our mom was protecting us from it all.

I look at all of it trying to keep a straight face remembering what my uncle said.

Don't let your guard down.
You got this.
You should turn back this is a sign.
I know your scared but you wouldn't be in a prophecy if u weren't meant to do it.

I let my face harden and continue my journey to where I need to go. The place no one but me and my uncle know of, the place we go to get away.

I make my way up to the little cabin we found and look at it with sorrow.

I make my way up to the little cabin we found and look at it with sorrow

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I haven't been here since he left. I missed this place.

I head in and put my bag down. I'll stay here for the night since the suns about to go down.

Why would you stay here?!?
We've stayed here plenty of times...
What if someone found it?
No one's found it in years why would they now.
Well there is a war going on.
Fine, you tell me, where else would we get a meal and a nice bed to lay one other than here.
Fine let's stay.

I sigh contently before I get out a pack of matches and light a candle. We especially liked this place because you couldn't tell if anyone was in here without coming in and alerting the residents. That and the stock of candles that never seemed to run out.

I sit on the floor where the rug we made sits  and begin to play with my knife as I go over my thoughts.

So we left home.
Lied to the one we love most.
Yup sounds about right.
Let's not forget we are meant to end a war.
Seems like our life never gets easier.
First my dad.
Then the uncle.
He was cool.
And hot...
Don't be weird that's our uncle.
He's not my uncle.
Well your in the same body with us man.
The same body that's related to the "hot" uncle.
Sheesh never knew she was into incest.
My uncle would be disappointed.
I agree.
Incest- Yikes- Not pretty at all.
But speaking of incest we should probably be getting a meal in our stomach.
Who said anything abou-
I'm not liking this ma-

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