Part 1

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Nina's POV

Darkness. That's all I could see. It wasn't the type of darkness where you can somehow make out a pile of clothes to be a person. It was pitch black. It felt as if it was hours before I could finally see the light.

I was always taught that you can always find the good in darkness through the light. I remember when my daddy told me that. I was so caught in my dolls that I could barely hear the lesson. But for some reason I always remembered his phrases no matter how much attention I gave them.

I got tried to walk to the light it felt impossible.
"I want you to always remember"
I struggled against what streamed to be invisible restraints.
"Through the darkness you will always find a light."
I gave up on the walking after a while.
"Through that light you will find goodness."
Until I felt lifted
"But not all the time, you need to cautious"
I couldn't even comprehend what was going on.
"Or it will strike you when you least expect it"
I was being lifted into the light? Why?
"The light isn't always a good thing"
I was getting closer and closer
"In it can hide evil"
Wait?! Evil!? No!?
"Once it grabs you there is no escape"
I struggled as I was being pulled into the light
"Your past want for the light only fueled it"
I was being dragged into the light. Towards a face with a sweet smile. I lost all worry
"It gains power to play you like a fool"
The sweet smile slowly turned into a sinister grin.
"Don't let it fool you, otherwise it will be too late"
Next thing I know I feel a thousand hands tearing at my skin.
"When the light has pulled you in then it is too late"
All I felt was pain, and all I saw was red
"You are pulled in and now forever gone"
When will it stop
"It won't ever stop, it won't ever begin"
I feel numb
"Your frozen, damned to be a picked at and torn apart"
I try to scream, I try to move, I can't do anything
Until finally a loud agonizing scream is released into the painful silence of the light.


I shoot up from the dream, as I struggle to breath. I claw at my throat as it feels as if I'm being strangled. Through the pain I let out a loud scream. Well it was loud in my head at least.

It seems as if that scream is what increased the pain. I feel my eyes took into the back of my head as my body struggles for oxygen. I was so focused on trying to get air and escape the invisible grip that I didn't even notice my mom and sister come it.

As soon as they enter my body is filled with immediate relief and oxygen is let back into my system. I land back on my bed with a thud still clawing at my throat in shock.

My sister immediately comes to my side hugging me speaking words I can't hear. My mom, I can tell she's panicking. I just can't hear it.

Everything is muffled. I look at the mirror that's across from my bed and see the stare I was in. My skin was soaking wet with sweat, and my veins were popping out of unknown places. My lips were blue and I had bruises on my neck.

I look like a mess, like I pretty much died. Well I almost did technically. What the hell was that?!?! It can't be cause of that dream can it?
The dream with the white and the faces and my– my dad?!?

I was so lost in thought I didn't notice an unknown lady walk in and greet my mom. I didn't notice her pull my sister off of me. I didn't notice her pull a bunch of vials out of her pockets. Nor did I notice her mix stuff together and start heading towards me.

But I did notice when she reached out to touch me of course. On instinct I grabbed her wrist and faced her not knowing that my eyes had turned completely white. Why am I the only one not noticing things! I feel like a fool.

"What are you doing." I said. But it seemed unfamiliar to me, deeper in fact. It feels as if something's calling out to me begging me to listen. Begging me to help.What's happening to me!

Don't question it, embrace it!
No! What if it's bad, what if it hurts people.
But what if it's good.
What if it can help us find him.
He's gone and you all know it. Now be quiet before they think we're crazy.
But we are crazy...

Everyone looks at me in shock. Not only cause my voice but my appearance.

"I'm gonna put this on your head. It's going to help you. It works instantly. It's gonna be fine" The mystery lady says looking at me.

But I'm not looking at her, I'm looking at my mom. She's looking at me like I'm some sort of monster. I close my eyes at the pang of hurt I feel in my chest. I have to get this fixed. If my own mother looks at me like a monster who else will?

I just need to think. I can't let her look at me like that again.
She said it will help Nina, let her do it!
You have to get help!
Help for what?! She's fine?!
I'm fine.
Your not fine!
Don't do it!
You need this Nina! Do it! Think about your mom!
No screw her mom! What about us!
Stop being so se–


"It's ok go ahead." I said as I tried to seem confident and composed as I let go of her wrist.

She nodded her head before putting the chunky, light green mixture on my forehead. The next thing I know everything went black.

What did I do?!


Author's Note:

Just so you guys know Nina has Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) which is where you have separate personalities. But instead of this showing physically or emotionally, it shows in her thoughts or when she needs to make a decision.

Her identities will basically be opinions on things in different perspectives. I think Nina would view this as friends on different sides of a disagreement trying to decide for one person whos in the middle of it all.

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