Part 3

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"I'm going outside to get flowers." I say quickly.

"But you just got out of bed after what happened. Why do you need the bag if your just getting flowers?"

Why is she so smart? Thank god I was a sneaky child.

"Just in case I find something cool I can carry it and not crush the flowers." I mutter trying to head out but she stops me again.

"But why get flowers all of the sudden didn't you just wake."

Time to do something I'll regret.
Oh lord

"It's cause I had a dream about dad." I said as the room got quiet.

"I wanted to get flowers for him and maybe talk with him after I gathered some." I mutter through the tension that was so thick you could suffocate.

Welp we're dead when we comeback.
Not only are we a monster but now we're a liar.
I mean we are bringing our uncle back so-
No we're searching for our uncle
She's right we might not bring him back.
Yea what if he's with dad.
That's why we're searching idiot to find out what happened to him.
Guys let's be positive please our uncle isn't dead until we see a body. Got it?
Fine but I still thi-

"We ou can go but please be back before sundown. There's a war going on for gods sake." My mom says interrupting my thoughts.

"Fine, bye mom." I say giving her a hug.

"By the time you come back I'm gonna still be making those dresses with your sister." She walks over to me and kisses me on the head. Before walking away.

"Be safe!" She says before she can disappear behind the corner.

I let out a sigh before walking out of the door.


"Ok get into position." Uncle Seb tells

"Shoulders back, fists in front of face, and feet ready to pounce." We say at the same time as I get into position.

As I'm in position he starts walking around me fixing my posture a little bit while speaking.

"Remember once you land a hit you never stop, don't give the a chance to hurt you." He says softly.

"You hit all their weak spots, but remember keep your eyes out. For all you know they could have people coming behind them ready to protect their own."

Uncle Seb stands in front of me and gets into position as well.

"Wait for them to attack,
once you see a threat you pounce and fight like hell." He says to me looking in my eyes.

Before I knew it he threw a punch and I blocked it. We began fighting. It was mainly me blocking his attacks.

Well that was before I decided to follow his advice. I block his last punch and grab his wrist. I make it look like I'm about to knee him in the stomach and wait for him to block it to punch him in the face.

After punching him in the face I end up kicking him in the stomach almost sending him to ground. He begins punching me to which I block.

While he continues to try and punch me I find an opening and kick him in his private area as hard as I can.

I may have gotten a little carried away because he ended up on the ground groaning.

"I'm sorry! I was just following your advice. I- I didn't mean to actually hurt you. I'm so-"

"Hey hey hey, you don't have to apologize for winning a fight ok? And plus I told you to find a weak spot and that's what you did." He reassured me. " Your ready kid, you can defend yourself now. So you know what that means right?"

"What does it mean?" I ask genuinely confused.

"You don't need me anymore, you don't need your mom, or your sister. You can finally protect yourself and others. Because of that I am so proud of you." He tells me as tears fall out my eyes.

He gives me a bear hug.

"One day your gonna go out and get attacked and have to defend yourself. You may get hurt,killed or kidnapped. But you have to promise me that no matter what you won't show them your weak. You can't show any emotion. Because once you do you'll die. And I can't let that happen. So promise me that when you do finally go out, you won't let anyone see the true you unless you feel like they truly deserve to."

I get out of the hug and look and my uncle with as much seriousness as I could muster.

"I promise." I say looking at the city overhead. I sigh before making my way through the forests of my war driven world

Authors Note:

I hope you guys enjoyed that lil cliffhanger I left🤭🤭🤭

I was kinda thinking of a movie when I wrote it tbh. I was imagining some kind of transition of her holding her uncle to her standing on a hill looking over the city and answering his question.

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