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A/N - Henry has the same hair as he did in HD S5

A woman with black hair was sat at a bar counter, rubbing her arm consciously. Another woman sat down next to her, flexing her robotic fingers on her right hand.

"Long time no see, Nebula." Turning round, the first woman showed she had a black, navy and gold domino mask covering her eyes, an entire, full-body suit of the same colour covering the rest of her. A warm smile made its way onto her mouth, a laugh following.

"Nice to see you too, Eryn." 'Nebula' grinned, inducing a laugh from Eryn and hugging her.

"How about we go somewhere where you can take your mask off?"

"The Omega might be a good place." They walked through the streets of their city, Automotropolis, which we're alive with kids flying about in hoverboards. Going into an alley, Nebula tapped some bricks on the wall, opening up a chute which they slid down, arriving in a very high-tech cave. Sitting down at the comfy sofa, Nebula took her mask off, revealing a woman with wavy black hair down to her waist, sharp and smart blue-green eyes peeking out, rosy red cheeks, only lightly tanned skin and a defined facial structure. This person was none other than Luna de Silva, Chapa de Silva's older sister and former sidekick of Captain Man, Miss Danger.

"So, what d'you want to talk about, Eryn?" Luna asked, tapping the auto snacker and taking out a frappucino.

"I got a message that was probably meant to be delivered to you. Someone named... Bose?"

"No clue who he is."

"He was saying stuff about Chapa and a rando called Ray-"

"Chapa and Ray?!" Luna's head immediately whipped round, grabbing a watch from Eryn's wrist. Tapping it twice, a small holograph appeared of a chat screen, where a couple of messages were shown.

"Ray's my previous boss. Captain Man. Chapa is my sister, but who's Bose?"

"Are you talking about the Captain Man who you fought and indestructible villain with and nearly died by falling off a blimp?!"

"The very same." Eryn walked towards Luna, grabbing the watch from her with her robot hand, brown eyes warning.

"You can't go back."

"Why not, oh great Mecha?"

"Going back to..."


"Yes, that place, is too dangerous. You were so damaged that we had to put that stabiliser in your arms." Luna looked at her arms, frowning.

"I didn't get the bruises from that! I fought off a supernatural terrorist attack and things got out of control."

"Lu, darling, as much as I want you to go back into the big leagues, Automotropolis is the best place for you. It has high-tech villains and you can get repairs here. No one repairs devices such as yours like we do. If, by any chance, you get injured, then no one can help you." Eryn warned, caramel skin tinged red with worry. Her silky blue hair bounced as she followed Luna around, who was tapping her neck, retracting her suit into a necklace.

"Look, if you don't want me to go, I won't. But right now, I'm going to fend off some robbers on Synth Street."

"Without your suit?"

"Ah, right, shouldn't have deactivated that." Tapping her necklace again, her suit faded onto her, a mask slotting out of her wrist so she could put it on.

"I'll see you around, Eryn." Unbeknownst to her friend, she picked up a backpack when she was leaving, containing all the things she'd need for Swellview. Luna had lied about not going and even the robbers, walking towards the border of Automotropolis, finding a guard at the border. Left wrist facing up and right wrist facing down, she knocked them together and showed it to the guard, her ID showing up on a holograph. The guard nodded, letting her through while a Tesla drove up by itself towards her, allowing her to get in and drive off. However, she got a call from Eryn, which she picked up.


"Eryn, let me explain-"


"I have a valid reason why. I checked my messages and Chapa and the guys, Danger Force is their name, they really need my help. So I'm off to help them, like any logical person would do."

'But you're not Captain Man's sidekick anymore! You're meant to be Luna de Silva, a hip hop dancer from Automotropolis who happens to be a major superhero! Not Miss Danger!'

"You're trying to be a good friend and keep me safe, but I'm fine. I'll come back in one piece, I promise."

'I'm trying to make sure you don't make the same mistake you did last time by trusting Kid Danger. You fell off a blimp!'

"You have reminded me of that fiasco many times. I didn't even get hurt! I fell into the Jandy River!"

'That's even worse?!'

"Worse than falling onto pavement?"


"Eryn, I don't get why you're preventing me from going. Is there something I don't know about?"

'Hart's coming from Dystopia, and I have a bad history with most of the people there. He might be one of them.'

"I can handle Henry Hart. Don't worry. Stay safe, Mecha." Cutting the call, Nova sighed, going on her way to Swellview.

About six hours later, she pulled up in Swellview, looking round at her old home with a strong nostalgic feeling. Then she tapped her watch, pulling out schematics of the city and scanning it for the largest EMP in the city, finding it to be at the top of Swellview mountain. About twenty minutes later, she arrived at the Man's Nest, tapping her watch.

"Broken into the security system, and... shutdown lights." On cue, the lights shut down, initiating shouts and yelps from the inhabitants. Moving in, she saw Ray perk up and let out a loud screech.


"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! WE'RE PEOPLE TOO!" Mika felt someone behind her, so she tried to land a punch, but Luna's reflexes kicked in and she grabbed her hand, bringing her elbow down on Mika's. Miles heard the scuffle and teleported towards them, but Luna sweep kicked him while Bose looked around in fright. Chapa tried to look for the light switch, like any normal person would do, while Ray tried to man up and went towards the commotion, kicking thin air but his fist landed in someone's grip, and with a chicken-like shriek, was flipped over effortlessly and landed with a yell on the floor. The lights turned back on, revealing Chapa at the light switch, Miles, Ray and Mika on the floor and Henry on a pole, high up and clinging on for dear life. They spotted Luna, who was clapping slowly with a smirk on her face.

"These guys are the next gen! Maybe your grandpa skills aren't working out, Ray." The kids stared at Luna in confusion, but Ray and Henry found a sense of familiarity in the female voice. When she took off her mask, tutting. "Don't even recognise your old teammate, huh?" The familiar face sprang a smile on Ray's face, the man-child going to hug his former sidekick. Normally.

"How're you doing, you big baby?"

"I'm doing great now that you're here. It's been so long since the old gang have been standing in one room, eh?" Luna looked at Henry, who shuffled his feet and looked down. Things ended awkwardly between them, and neither of them wanted to talk about it.

"Wait." Chapa interrupted, "Who are you?"

"It's been a while, I'll admit. I'm your sister, Chapa. Luna de Silva."

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