Like a drug

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The five spent around half an hour in the comic shop, browsing and eventually buying. The entire time they were constantly glancing outside the shop to see Eyeball, Billy and Charlie remaining outside.

At some point Billy and Charlie left him yet he remained, eyes set on the shop. The four young boys couldn't work out if it was sweet or not yet none wanted to ask Chris or Teddy how they felt, considering it revolved both their elder siblings.

"You guys all ready?" Bonnie asked as she slowly headed to the door.

They all trundled over, mumbling about wanting to get food and go to their treehouse.

"Mum was gonna make us lunch?" Teddy asked looking up at his big sister as she held the door open for them.

Bonnie shook her head gently. "No you guys go get some food, I'm gonna grab a burger from the diner."

Chris looked at his brother across the street before back at Bonnie. "For what it's worth, my brothers done a lot worse."

Bonnie gave him a small weak smile as she nodded and gave Teddy a small kiss on the head. The four younger boys watched as she began walking down the street towards the diner.

They watched as Eyeball cautiously began following along behind her, not once did he make an attempt to get too close or talk to her.

"Teddy..." Vern quietly mumbled as him and Chris stood watching their siblings walk away.

So close, but so far from each other. Yet walking in perfect sync that anyone would think they were one of the same. One being split in two.

Teddy grumbled in response as Vern slowly edged closer to his friend.

"He would protect her right?" Vern asked quietly, looking between Teddy and Chris.

Teddy shrugged slightly as he turned to Chris. "Well?"

Chris took a deep breath before shrugging. "I've not seen him like this before." He mumbled. "It's like he can't get enough of her."

"Like a drug?" Gordie asked as he stepped closer and watched as the pair slowly disappeared.

Chris shrugged slowly as he tried to shake off the feeling. The 4 boys eventually focused back on their comics and heading towards the treehouse.

Bonnie eventually got her food to takeaway as she headed out the diner. Eyeball of course remained across the street, never once did his gaze leave her.

She caught his eye but quickly turned away as she continued walking along the street, slowly beginning to eat her food.

She hadn't planned anywhere specific to go yet somehow she found herself arriving at the bridge that was becoming so very familiar in hers and Eyeball's story.

She had finished her food and let herself climb up on the wall as she let her legs dangle over the edge. Looking down she saw the water calmly rippling along.

Turning she saw Eyeball standing at the end of the bridge, of course he made no attempt to move closer to her or speak. Instead he chose to hop up himself on the opposite wall and light another cigarette as he kept a protective watch over Bonnie.

Bonnie looked back down at the comic in her lap, Superman and Lois Lane covered the front. She chuckled to herself slightly as her mind turned to Eyeball and herself, they were far from that.

Calmly she leant against one of the metal poles and began to read through it, though no matter how hard she tried she couldn't stop picturing Eyeball as Superman.

It didn't take her long to finish it as she was rather thankful to not have to go to work today either. She knew James didn't blame her yet she still felt responsible. Eyeball has started that fight because of her.

She let the comic land in her lap as it shut as she turned and saw him remaining on the wall, refusing to jump down and talk to her.

Climbing back over she slowly began the walk back into town, she didn't even have to turn around to know he was there, he was always going to be there.

Bonnie knew Eyeball couldn't stay by her side forever all day and everyday so she decided to test it.

Eventually making her way home she stopped at her front door, seeing he had returned to his spot by the wall from the previous night. His gaze remained so fixed on her Bonnie felt as though he was burning a hole through her very soul.

Yet as she went inside and climbed the stairs to her room she realised that throughout the entire day she had never felt more safe. He had her back and she knew that nothing would have happened. Nothing will ever happen.

She went straight to her window upon reaching her room as she looked out and saw him still on the wall.

Eventually deciding to spend the rest of the afternoon and evening reading she did just that, every so often she rose from her lounging spot on the bed to go look out the window.

And every time she did she saw the exact same thing. Eyeball hadn't left his spot.

Each time she saw him still sat there a small smile appeared on her face. He really seemed set on this whole protection deal.

The evening soon came as her mum arrived home, along with Teddy. The three enjoyed dinner together before Bonnie very quickly excused herself to go back upstairs.

Naturally she went straight to the window, where of course she saw he remained at the wall. Ace and Vince by his side as the 3 all ate and spoke together.

Bonnie soon got herself changed and climbed into bed, letting her blankets drape over her body as she fought to get Eyeball out of her head. Would he really stay there all night? Again?!

Surely not right?!

He wasn't that mad... was he?

Yet as Bonnie soon fell into a dream state, Eyeball clouded her mind. The memories and time they had spent together hit her like a sack of potatoes.

She knew she wasn't ready to face him and talk about the big fight but in her mind and dreams they were just another couple happily doting on each other at their special bridge.

At the first crack of dawn she found herself practically flinging herself out of bed as she leapt up to the window.

He couldn't still be there.

However, to her surprise, he was.

Looking incredibly tired and pained there Eyeball Chambers sat. Fuzzy and Jack at his side. Jack caught her eye and got Eyeball's attention.

Once more Eyeball's gaze locked onto Bonnie's. Until she pulled away and turned from the window.

Looking down at her uniform dress she walked over and gently picked it up, nerves about facing James flooded her.

Would Eyeball stick to leaving her alone or would he cave when in Irbys?

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