Chapter 15

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I've edited in the previous chapter that Vivian is still wearing her armor, she's still wearing it in this chapter.

Vivian's P. O. V:

After a few more minutes of exchanging blows back and forth, Rogue is on his knees, and breathing heavily, Gajeel standing over him. Rogue's clothes are torn and battered, his cape ripped off until just below his shoulders, and the left sleeve of his shirt is missing

"Awe, man! My ears must be playing tricks on me! Could've sworn you said I'm not as strong as Natsu," Gajeel mocks.

Rogue suddenly starts laughing.

"What's funny?" Gajeel demands.

"I always wondered why you decided to join Fairy Tail. It's taken me awhile but I think I've finally figured it out," Rogue says as he opens his eyes again.

"Oh, yeah? Let's hear it."

"You've probably forgotten all about it by now, and I don't blame you because it was such a long time ago. I was just a kid back then. A snot nosed punk who looked up to your guild, Phantom Lord." Both Gajeel and I were surprised by this. "As a kid, my biggest dream in life was to become a member that guild when I grew up. Unfortunately, I never got the chance. They were forced to disband when they challenged Fairy Tail and lost. And, of all the guild you could've joined you chose the most despicable. You joined Fairy Tail. I was absolutely heartbroken. I couldn't believe that you'd pick the scoundrels who destroyed Phantom Lord. I was so confused. Deep down, I knew there had to be a reason. But I couldn't figure it out for the life of me. That is, until now. You wanted friends, didn't you?"

Gajeel purses his lips at that.

"The very notion of friendship doesn't exist in Sabertooth. We were nothing but our Master's foot soldiers, forced to follow his orders, or else. If we were defeated, he would make us pay."

I clench my fists as I remember Yukino and everything that went down the other night.

"I don't really know what it's like to be in a guild because I don't have friends. I'm so lost. I have no idea what I've been fighting for all this time. I realise friendship is what makes your guild so powerful. That's why we never measured up. The only exceptions are M' Lady, who's unbelievably strong, and Sting, who's true power awoke for Lector's sake."

"Dumbass," Gajeel snaps, causing Rogue to look up at him.


"That's the biggest load of bull I've ever heard." Rogue glares at Gajeel. The Iron Dragon Slayer leans down toward Rogue with his hands on his hips and grins as he adds, "Sure looks like you got a friend to me. That frog."

"What frog?" Rogue asks in puzzlement.

Frog? Is he talking about Frosch? I deadpan at my teammate's stupidity. Yup. He meant Frosch, alright.

"Frosch is a cat, you idiot!" Rogue exclaims as he jumps to his feet and glares at Gajeel.

"Well, if you wanna get technical, he's an Exceed," Gajeel explains, as Rogue leans back. "Ain't he?"

Rogue goes silent for a moment as realisation dawns on him. Then, he smiles, as he says, "You know, you're right. Frosch is my friend."

Gajeel smirks.

Rogue closes his eyes as he smiles and says. "Thanks for reminding me of that."

I guess their fight is over, now... I smile up at my boyfriend.

Rogue's eyes suddenly snap open as he gasps sharply. He looks around frantically before gazing at Gajeel. That's odd. Why is Rogue-kun acting like that...? "Uh, you okay, kid?" Gajeel asks in confusion, as Rogue continues to gaze around frantically.

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