Chapter 26

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Vivian's P. O. V:

I finish up in the shower the next morning and hop out. I grab my towel and dry myself before I rash for my undergarments. Today's the day I'm going on that job with Rogue, and we'd arranged to meet at Fairy Tail.

After clipping on my bra, I reach for my red skirt but pause before grabbing my bottom tunic. My gaze lingers on a scar on my right side, where Future Rogue had sliced me with his shadow sword.

Wendy had offered to heal it with her Healing Magic, but I'd refused, saying I didn't mind scars. As I slip on my tunic, my gaze finds the small shadow dragon mate mark Rogue had given me during our heated makeout session last night on the right side of my neck.

I lightly trace it before I finish getting dressed. Rogue had explained when he gave it to me that once I was marked, I could feel his emotions, and vice versa. He'd also told me that a dragon mate is like the dragon version of girlfriend or boyfriend, but that a mate could never betray their lover. And should the mate of a dragon or Dragon Slayer die, it would feel like a piece of that person is being ripped apart.

I run a brush through my light chestnut brown hair before putting it in its signature waterfall ponytail. Since I've already had breakfast, I brush my teeth then head back to my room to grab my bag for the job.

The morning sun beats down on the bustling streets of Magnolia as I head for the guild hall. I enter to find most of my guild mates are absent. Since the Grand Magic Games, we've been getting so many jobs that almost everyone is out on.

I go over to the request board and my eyes find a monster kill job. A large group of monsters is attacking Clover Town. I pluck it off the board and head over to the bar where Mira was cleaning a glass, and Makarov was perched on the countertop, drinking alcohol.

"Good morning, Viv. Going on a job?" The Takeover mage greets.

I nod my head. "Yup! This one! Though I'm going with Rogue as I invited him last night after our date, so I'll be waiting here for him."

"Sure thing," Mira chirps, signing off the request. "You and Rogue are the cutest!" I blush at that.

"By the way, Viv, what's that mark on your neck?" Makarov asks.

"Huh? Oh! It's just my dragon mate mark Rogue gave me last night after our date..." I trail off as my face turns crimson. Mira giggles knowingly as Makarov's own face turns red. I then explain to them how it works and they appear intrigued.

I wait for Rogue to arrive as I sit on the stool and chat with Mira and Gramps. About ten minutes later, Rogue and Frosch enter the guild hall.

"Hey, Viv-chan," Rogue greets, causing me to look up. A wide smile spreads across my face. "Did you pick out a job already?"

"Hey, Rogue-kun! Frosch! And yeah, I did," I reply as I hop off the stool. "I chose a monster kill job. Sounds good?"

"Sure does. Ready to go?"

"You bet! We'll be back later, Mira, Gramps," I tell them.

"Good luck!" The white haired beauty says.

"You'd better protect her on that mission, Rogue," Makarov adds, sounding serious as he takes a swig of alcohol.

"You know I will," Rogue says before we leave the guild hall. "So where's the job?"

"In Clover Town," I say. "We're gonna have to take a train."

"Right..." Rogue trails off as a sickened look appears on his features.

"You ok?" I ask, glancing at him.

"Yeah. It's just..."

My eyes widen in understanding. "Right. I almost forgot you get motion sick too. There's no other way to get to Clover Town, but I'm sure it won't be that bad," I say reassuringly.

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