Chapter 25

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Vivian's P. O. V:

"This is so nice!" I cheer, relaxing back in the pool we have at the back of the Fairy Tail guild. It was around 90 degrees today, and it's boiling hot, so everyone is taking a swim in the pool.

"Agreed!" Lily says, as he sits back in the water with Charlele and Happy, who is using a kiddie board.

"Hey! Check this out!" We turn to see Natsu dragging a thrashing Lucy into the pool, his arms around her waist. "Surfing super kegs coming right up!"

Lucy squeals as Natsu loses his balance and they both go tumbling into the water.

Lucy squeals as Natsu loses his balance and they both go tumbling into the water

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"Hey! Some of us are trying to relax here," Gray complains.

Juvia says from half hiding behind a tree, "Gray in a swimsuit is so hot!"

Gajeel, lying on a deck chair, mutters, "I'm just glad he didn't decide to go skinny dipping."

I giggle as I swim about in the pool, on my back, enjoying the coolness of the water. I notice Natsu nearby and smirk before turning and dipping under the water. I swim for the pinkette. When I reach him, I grab Natsu's leg and he immediately screams, flailing about.

"Help! Help me! Something's got me! Quick, Lucy! Summon that fish spirit of yours! Aaahhh!!"

Lucy sweat drops as she mutters, "No way am I summoning Aquarius! And, besides, why would there be anything that would attack you in the pool, Natsu?"

I break the surface as I burst out laughing. "Hahaha! Oh, Natsu-kun, it's just me! But I got ya!"

Natsu whips an annoyed glare around to me as he grumbles, "Oh, you think that's funny, do ya, Viv-chan?! Come here, you!"

"Eep!" I squeal as I dodge backwards to avoid Natsu's attack, as Lucy sighs in exasperation.

I start swimming away from the Fire Dragon Slayer.

It's been a few days since we got back from the mole hunting job and I had forgiven Natsu fir his outburst that day.

I was sitting at a table in the guild hall while sketching Frosch, when I hear Erza and Lucy urging Natsu to come over and apologise. Gray had apparently told Lucy after the mole hunting job.

"Go on, Natsu," Lucy says, nudging him pointedly.

"Okay..." Natsu grumbles before getting up and striding up to me. "Hey, Viv..." I glance up at the Fire Dragon Slayer before I resume my sketch. "Listen, about the other day... I just wanted to say I'm sorry for yelling at you about Future Rogue. It's just... after learning of your fate from him, I was really scared at the thought of losing you. I just didn't want to see you hurt. You may be all grown up now, but that'll never stop me from being overprotective of you. Or worrying about you. I'm really sorry and I hope you can forgive me."

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