Chapter 42

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Vivian's P. O. V:

I sit next to Lucy on her bed as we sit in her shared room to discuss the mission.

"We don't know when the attacker will make their move," I begin seriously. "So I think we should start by investigating the town and keeping an eye out. Wait until our target arrives then we counterattack. We should also split up to cover more ground."

Erza nods her head in agreement, sitting on a chair. "Sounds like a good plan, Viv." Sue stands up. "We should head out right now."

We all agree and head out into town to start the mission, splitting up to cover more ground.


I gaze around solemnly as I walk through the streets of my hometown. A lot of the buildings have melted away due to the lava attacks, and apparently, other buildings got burned down.

If only I'd been stronger back then, then I could've stopped him...

Those types of thoughts keep swirling in my mind.

I spend an hour walking around, trying to find Iroh, the mage behind the attacks when I pause by a fountain the plaza at a familiar voice.

"Hello, Viv-chan."

I whirl around to find a young man, about two years older than me, with long spiky hair that hangs over his eyes and wears a navy cape over a long sleeved black shirt and pants, gloves on his fingers. He was smiling at me as my hazel eyes dilate in shock.

I waste no time in requipping my rapier and using Shooting Star on the dark haired man.

He closes his eyes with a cocky smirk as the man dances away from my attack easily. It slams into the wall of a building behind him.

"Valkyrie Sword Magic: Linear!" I thrust my blade at his face but the man jerks his head to the side, and my attack misses him.

"You still can't land a hit, even after all these years, Viv-chan," Mocks Iroh, dancing away from another thrust of my sword. I go to swing my Streak spell at him but Iroh just evades it again. "Face it, you're still too weak."

I run towards Iroh and jump up to land a strong kick to his stomach. The force sends him skidding back and I smirk.

"Valkyrie Sword Magic: Parallel Sting!" I thrust my rapier at him from an angel and it pierces right through the sleeve of Irish's right shoulder, and into the wall behind him.

I smirk as I pin the dark eyed man to the wall of a house.

"It would seem as though you have gotten stronger," Iroh says, gazing down at me. I glare back at him. "My mistake."

"Viv!" I hear Rogue call as he, Sting and the others run up behind me. I don't budge from my position.

"What's going on?!" Natsu exclaims.

"It's Iroh! He's back," I reply, much to my friends' confusion, except for Rogue.

"Eh? Who's Iroh?" Natsu asks dumbly, tilting his head.

"Him," I explain, jerking my head to the dark haired man I have pinned to the wall. "He's the one who's behind the attacks."

My teammates gasp at this.

"But you got him already," Says Gray, coming up to me. "Looks like it's mission accomplished already."

Iroh smiles darkly at that. He says, "I wouldn't be so sure." My eyes jerk wide at the strong kick Iroh lands in my stomach, throwing me back with a pained grunt.

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