Lucas x Alice: His Notes

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Alice was currently home taking care of her brand new baby girl Iris. Much to her parents relief Iris was far from a fussy baby and Alice had just set her down for her afternoon nap.

"Hmm maybe I should clean up a bit before Lucas comes home." She said to herself.

As she went to clear the table of some dirty dishes, she noticed a little book that seemed out of place.

After picking it up she noticed it was none other then her husband's notebook. He usually always had this on him in case there was something he wanted to take note of. He must of have forgot it at breakfast.

She picked up,  and with curiosity getting the best of her she flipped it open to a random page.

'Lost and confused I've wandered out of this icy cave. After walking passing through a winter wonderland and making my way down a mountain, I can see a town in the distance. I wonder if anyone there would know who I am?... The first individual I ran into was a young woman she doesn't seem to know me...It seems no one in this town knows who I am. Judging from earlier notes in this book it seems my name is Lucas.' it read.

"I guess this was when he arrived in rigbarth", Alice said and flipped a few more pages.

'The young women Alice I met initially after arriving in Rigbarth is heading  to Meline Crystal Caverns. I think I might go as well It would probably jog a few memories... I just met up with Alice and she agree to let me come along and I must say it is quite marvelous watching her fight, she seems to  be quite the intriguing individual... Finally some of the pieces seem to be coming together again I've remembered that I am a god. She did seem quite surprised and in disbelief though, I must wonder if it really is that shocking for mortals.' It read.

Alice flipped a few more pages.

'It seems a majority of the townsfolk mistake my divine miracles as magic tricks. Regardless they seem to enjoy them especially the children. Alice herself has stopped by and watched a few of my performances. As I've noted before she does smile the most compared to everyone in town, but oddly enough I find her smile to be more of a joy each time. Despite how frequent she smiles I never seem to bore of them. how fascinating' It read.

Chuckling slightly she flipped a few more pages.

'After briefly mentioning my adoration for udon Alice, brought me some today. It tasted positively divine. It doesn't even begin to compare with the bowl I had at the restaurant. She truly is a multi-talented woman...It seems I've broken a taboo today I agreed to use my powers to read Alice's mind at her request. Her mind was filled with thoughts of tomorrow's lunch. How humorous. Also it seems she had a preference for sweet food. I should  probably treat her sometime as a thank-you gift... Its the next day, I'm at the restaurant. Alice was at another table with Priscilla and Lucy, she is eating cake and it seems she has some frosting stuck to her cheek. How charmingly cute. She still seems unaware its there. I suddenly want to have cake myself...Strange after ordering some it didn't really satisfy me. It was by no means bad, but I can't help feeling something was missing. I ordered the same cake as Alice, what could be the difference? It looked quite appetizing with each bite that entered her mouth.' It read.

She flipped a few more pages.

'I felt a strange pain in my chest today while I was preforming at Great Tree Plaza. Nothing was specifically unusual. Julian, Hina, and Alice were in attendance, although Alice did run off half way through to have a word with Ryker who was passing by. Perhaps if this pain becomes more persistent I should see Simone, maybe she'd know what it is...A new arrival has come to town, her name is Ludmila and she'll be running the flowershop... That pain from the other day has returned, It was right when I was having a word with Alice and Ludmila showed up and hugged her while preceding to gush over how adorable she was. Oddly the pain went away shortly after Scarlet appeared pulling Ludmila off and beginning to scold her for being indecent. I wonder what it is could, a god be seriously ill?...The pain once again reappeared, this time it was when I had a conversation with Palmo after one of my performances. He mentioned how he was under the impression his young apprentice may have developed romantic feelings for Alice. Romance? I wonder if Alice returns those feelings. as I'm writing this and thoughts roam my mind the pain is feeling far more intense. How odd?' It read.

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