Murakumo x Alice: Playboy Rob Jr.

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Alice was doing her job and patrolling around town, although she was a bit lost in thought. Tomorrow is her husband's birthday, she wanted to do something  special for him considering he always spoils her.

"Yo babe your like smoking hot~! Wanna hang~!?" A generic npc called out and whistled at Alice.

Alice being lost in thought and assuming the man was talking to someone else kept on her merry way.

The man not being one to just let her walk away ran in front her standing in her tracks.

"Like yo babe~! Not nice to ignore a guy like that~! So how about it~?",  He said.

"Huh? Oh sorry can I hel-... Wait who are you calling babe?!" She asked.

"Why you of course baby~! So wanna hang? I'm payin~! He asked.

"I'd rather not if you'll excuse me..." She replied and was about to walk away from the man.

"Hey like, come on babe~! It'd like be my treat gurl~!" He said and grasping her hand and pulling her towards him.

"H-HEY! DON'T TOUCH ME!", She yelled trying to pull her hand away.

"AWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" A loud howl echoed throughout Rigbarth.

Before Alice could even utter another word she felt an arm wrap around her waist protectively pulling her backwards and out of the other man's grip where she collided with a furry chest. She looked up to find her husband glaring at the man.


The man fearing for his life quickly scurried off making himself scarce.

A low growl emanated from Murakumo.




Murakumo reluctantly let go of and looked down at his wife.

"Y-you okay Darling? Did he hurt you?", He asked with concern lacing his voice.

Alice noticed his hands were trembling and were bawled into a fist.

"I'm fine, he only touched my hand" She said.

Murakumo let out sigh of relief but his eyes lingered on her hand.

"Kumo? Are you okay?", She asked.

"Hmm! Me!? Uh yeah... Its just I was at the inn tidying up and cause of my good hearing I heard that guy and him not taking no for an answer, and I uh... guess you get the rest", He explained.

"Are you sure your okay? I've never seen you so upset before. " Alice asked.

She was somewhat taken aback from how mad he seemed. She never seen her husband so upset.

"Well, you uh... You remember how I mentioned to you us were animals have mating seasons?", He asked his face heating up.

"Yeah." She said.

"Well that also kind makes us a bit protective of our mates... I'm usually better at controlling those feelings sense I really do trust you but when I heard that bastard..."He said his fist trembling.

Alice stepped forward and took his hand in hers and smiled up at him. His cheeks heated up and he had a very noticeable blush.

"I'm sorry if I came off a bit to strong. I know your strong enough to take care of and handle yourself" He said.

"You have nothing to apologize for. If anything I find it really sweet you came here to make sure I was okay" She said.

Standing up on her tippy toes Alice leaned into kiss him on his lips. Murakumo was taken by surprise at first but he had eventually deepened the kiss and wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her closer. Eventually both of them separated for a moment of air.

"You really are to adorable, you're gonna make me go nuts one of these days", He said.

He planted a kiss on her forehead.

"You don't realize how close I was to beating the crap out of that guy", He said nuzzling his face into the crook of her neck.

"That would probably end up badly reflecting the inn though, If word got around", She said.

"I know I guess things worked out this time around. I don't know what I'd do if he'd done more then touch your hand", He said chuckling a little.

He took her hand in his raising it to his lips and planting chaste kiss on it.

"To be honest I was ready to chase him down and kill him If I found he did anything to you" Murakumo said nuzzling her hand against his cheek.

"Kumo"  Alice said blushing.

Murakumo's face went very red and his eyes seemed slightly daze.

"Alice?... Can I take you home for the day, I have some jealous feelings I want to work out?" He asked.

Her Face turned red at the thought. and she shyly nodded.

"Sure", She replied.

The end.

-If out haven't played 4 this is based off an event where some weird guy hits on frey the mc. I'd like to think its that guys son hitting on Alice now-

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