Somthings Not Right

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Natasha was sitting on the coach when Bucky walked back into the room. She could feel his eyes on her but she didn't turn around to ask and stare at him. It killed her knowing that he had no clue who she was. Well he did but not like the way she knew him.

Still Natasha had to stay focus so she got out of her head and stared at the tv again.

A couple of hours have passed when she heard Tony again.

"Alright what's dinner?" Tony asked.

"Yes someone finally mentioned it." Sam cheered. "So what is it?"

"We can order Chinese food." Steve suggested.

Everyone said sure except for Bucky but that wasn't really surprising. He wasn't one for talking.

"Did someone say Chinese food?" Wanda asked as she walked into the room.

"Yeah, you want some?" Steve asked grabbing the phone to order the food.

"Yes please."

While Steve ordered the food Natasha looked around and she couldn't help to notice where Peter was.

"Hey, Tony where's the kid?"

"Oh he left a little while ago. I insisted that he stayed for dinner but he said he had to go home to his aunt." Tony answered while getting a cup of coffee. Natasha never understood his obsession with coffee.

"Oh was your assistant boy over earlier." Wanda spoke intrigued.

"Yeah you missed him." Sam responded. "He was nice I guess but very awkward."

"Have you ever thought maybe you're the awkward one Wilson?" Tony asked Sam.

Sam started to look up at the ceiling. Questioning his life Natasha assumed.

"Alright the food should be here in a little." Steve said whilst putting down the phone. "But now that we have time, can you tell us a little more about this Peter kid?"

"Ughh what do you want for me? He's nice isn't that all you need to know?" Tony responded.

"Tony don't get mad we just want to know that everyone is safe around him." Natasha said trying to calm Tony down. Natasha usually had bad trust issues, but when it came to Peter she weirdly trusted him for whatever reason.

At this point Bucky was still sitting on the couch just observing everybody.

"If I may sir but you said that Peter was 'used to this life style' I was just wondering how this is?" Vision asked. Apparently he was in the room this whole time. No one knew because he kinda just blends into the crowd.

"Ok I guess I should tell you all. Well I know you guys already know of the vigilante Spider-Man because I know Fury already debriefed you guys on him. The thing is he is Spider-Man." Tony spoke in everyone's direction.

"Wait you invited a vigilante into our home?" Steve was obviously upset.

"Alright first off Icicle it's my house, you just get free rent and second of all he doesn't kill people. If he did I would have never let him in."

Natasha could see Steve calm down a little.

"You really like this kid don't you?" Wanda spoke up.

"Yes I do and I know that might be hard to believe, but I do. He's had a rough life." Tony answered.

"Define rough?" Clint got out of his chair when he asked the question.

"If you must know his parents died when he was young and he watching his uncle die in front of him. His aunt is all he has left."

Everyone in the room went silent. No one was talking but Natash could hear a quiet "Damn" from Bucky. For someone who was kidnapped and tortured for most of his life you wouldn't think hearing that would make him upset.

Right as Steve was about to talk FRIDAY spoke up.

"Your dinner has arrived."

Tony excused him self saying he would get it.

When he left everything was silent.

Clint was still being weird and he kept on just staring at the ground.

"Alright what know Barton?" Sam said braking the silence.

"It's just- I don't know why but the kid. Something about him. I just don't know what, but I get this weird feeling." Clint responded.

"He seems like a good kid." Steve put his two sense in.

"Yeah it's not like I think he's bad or he's hiding something's, it just something man. Something feels wrong."

"You might just be paranoid like usual." Natasha spoke up.

"No. This is different." Clint pointed his finger up trying to make a point. "Hey FRIDAY."

"Yes, Mr. Barton?"

"Can you search up this Parker kid. I don't need a full background check I'm sure Stark already did that, just tell me more about him."

"What are you doing?" Asked Steve.

"Shhh." Clint put his finger up to his lip.

"Oh ok." Steve said clearly annoyed that he just got shushed by Clint.

"Collecting data. Peter Steven Parker. Was born on August 10, 2001. Son of Richard and Mary Parker. As far as records show he has lived in Queens, New York his whole life." FRIDAY announced to everyone in the room.

"Hey we have the same name!" Steve yelled excited.

"Calm down Rogers, the names not the un common." Natasha laughed.

"His parents! That's what was bugging me. I've one ever meet two people with that last name. Richard and Mary Parker. They worked for SHIELD. They died on a plane crash a little after they retired. " Clint said with excitement since he finally figured it out.

"Ok so what does that mean? Why would you connect that to Peter? Yeah they are his parents but why did the last name bug you so much? It could have been anyone." Wanda asked.

"I don't know? Something about the kid is off." Clint shrugged.

"Well now why do you think this?" Sam asked crossing his arms.

"Richard and Mary never mentioned having a kid."

"You have kids and never mentioned it. Is it so unbelievable that they did the same thing as you? Trying to keep him safe." Wanda asked.

"Hey I'm not saying we were close but they were pretty open people. In my opinion too open, but they told everyone everything. Hell they even invited me to their wedding. If they had a kid they would have said something."

At this point Natasha was confused. She remembered Richard and Mary and like Clint said, they never mentioned a kid.

"So what are you implying?" Bucky spoke up.

Everyone turned their heads to his direction. When Bucky said that he sounded if he was upset that Clint was implying something wrong about Peter.

The room stayed silent for a second until Clint decided to respond.

"I'm not sure but as nice as the kid seems I don't really trust him."

Omg I updated 😱. Anyways IM SO SORRY I HAVENT UPDATED IN LIKE 10 YEARS. Tbh I have no excuse. A lot has happen in my life since I wrote the last chapter so I guess I just got caught up in it but like I said no excuse. Well besides that I started summer so I (hopefully) will be posting more. So leave a comment about your opinion on this and....

Bye ✌🏽

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