The Project and Meeting

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TW: mentions of the idea of rape⚠️⚠️

Natasha was in her room. She was just called out of class for a reason she didn't know of. They usually don't call you out of class unless it is something serious and or important. So needless to say she was nervous. There could be a million different things they could talk to her about and all her brain could focus on was all of the bad things that could happen instead of good. Still when it came to The Red Room how good could it get.

After a while Natasha heard a knock on the door. She quickly got up and opened the door to see Madame B standing there waiting.

"Hello Natalia." she said with a smile on here face.

"Hello." Natasha said back not wanting to be rude knowing what happens if you are.

"Care to take a walk with me?" Madame B asked.

Natasha nodded her head and they start to walk down the hallway of the dorms. Natasha always hated the way it looked. It was just plain white and it reminded her of a hospital. With every step you could hear the tap of Madame B's heels on the floor echoing down the halls. They continued like this for quite some time before Madame B finally broke the silence.

"I want you to know we think of you as one of our best assets and there are things that come with that title, such as more responsibility's." Madame B explained as they continued waking stoping for a moment to speak.

"The thing is we have been working on a project for quite sometime and it would only work with you in it."

At this point of the conversation Natasha was only listening but now she was curious.

"What is this project, if I may ask?"

"I'm am sure you have heard of Hydra by know well we want to team up with them to make the best soldier in the world. The thing is all the people we have tested on so far have not turned out well. We need a child, a baby to be specific." Madame B kept on talking as Natasha listened.

"And out of all are students we trust you the most. So we want you to carry the baby for us."

At this point Natasha had no idea what to say. She knew that once you turn 18 and graduate they sterilize you. So she grew up knowing she could never have a child. But this was her chance. Her chance to maybe have a child. A chance not everyone here gets to have. But is this how she really wanted it. Yes, she would have a kid of her own but at what cost. They would just turn them into a killing machine. She also knew what type of people Hydra were. Did she really want her kid so be raised there? They probably wouldn't even let her see her own child. Or let her name it. Which is all Natasha ever wanted to do. Natasha never understood why when people were pregnant they wished for one gender instead of the other. She would just be happy to have the chance to have her own baby. No matter the sex. Now Natasha was just convincing herself that she is just being dramatic. It's not like she had a choice. They weren't looking for approval they just thought they would have the decency to tell her about the project instead of just doing it without her knowledge.

"Umm, who would be the father?" Natasha asked after taking a moment to take that all in.

"The Winter Solider." Madame B answered.

Natasha had heard that name before. He was the guy that Hydra had had since the second World War. She had heard stories about him. About all the people he had killed. She however had never seen a picture of him let alone met him. Now Natasha wasn't dumb, she knew how babies were made. She just didn't want to admit what she knew would come next.


It had been a week since Natasha had that talk with Madame B. Today was the day she would meet THE Winter Soldier. They separated Natasha from all of her classmates not wanting anything to happen to her. Even though she want even pregnant at this point. So she was in real need of social interaction. Even if it was with a person who could kill her without blinking once.

Natasha was lead into a room with a bed in the far right corner. In the middle of the room was a wooden table with two chairs.

"Wait here." one of the instructors commanded Natasha and of course she listened since there was no point of arguing. She walked over to the table and sat down on one of the empty chairs looking around the room for no good reason since there is only a couple pieces of furniture in the room with her. She could tell they didn't want her to stay in the room for too long just by the way it was decorated.

A couple minutes went by until Natasha heard a knock on the door. This time however she did not answer it. She let the other person behind the door open it for themselves. When the door opens Natasha was meet with a guy. He had long black hair that looked like it needed to be washed. His skin was pale and his eyes, they looked so dead inside. It's almost as if it shows you his whole life story. If that life story was pain and misery which it probably was.

Natasha and the man looked at each other for a solid five minutes before the man moved forward to take the other seat at the table that Natasha was not using.

"Hello." Natasha heard the man say. His voice with this deep rasp in it.

"Hello." Natasha responded

Here's the thing, Hydra and The Red Room were horrible people however they weren't totally monsters. They weren't just going to have him go in the room get her pregnant and leave. They wanted them to at least talk once. Not so they could be friends, but so they both felt comfortable and so both wouldn't back out of the project.

"What's your name?" Natasha asked him wanting to know more about him since she is gonna carry his baby.

"I don't know." he responded sharply.

"What do you mean you don't know. Come on you have to know you own name. Like for example my name is Natalia, but I don't really like being called that so just call me Natasha."

"I already know your name," he said in a weirdly calm tone for this situation.

"Okay and I don't know yours so, what is it."

"I-I don't remember." he said somehow now in a confused/sad tone.

Natasha looked over the room for cameras and didn't find any. Sure there could be listening devices but she didn't really care at this point.

"Oh come on now you got to remember something."

"Well I-um remember a faint memory of someone calling me Bucky, but don't tell anyone that."

"Alright well it's nice to meet you Bucky." Natasha said with a faint smile in her face. She was curious on why he added that last part. Why wouldn't he be able to know his own name? But she didn't push it or ask questions not wanting to be completely nosy. She knew she would find out eventually.

"Nice to meet you too."

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