What is Trust?

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"No it's 'привет, меня зовут Питер. Как вы?' You are pronouncing it wrong." Natasha explained to Peter for the hundredth time.

"If I hear those words one more time I think I'm going to snap my pencil." Peter said while he rubbed his eyes out of frustration.

"Peter if you want to pass you need to practice. This is basic Russian. How did you pass Spanish and French but can't seem to understand this?"

"I don't know, Russian kinda sounds aggressive and it stress me out." Peter explained.

"It's not aggressive it's passionate."

"Well what ever it is I don't understand it." Peter leaned back in his chair.

"Maybe we should take a break plus dinner is almost here." Natasha got up and stacked all of Peter's books in a neat pile.

"Uhh I don't want to impose more than I already have. I mean I have stayed over for dinner for like a week in a row. I'll just leave." Peter picked up the neatly stacked books made by Natasha and shoved them in his book bag. Reminding himself to clean it out soon.

"Peter it's fine and to be honest I don't think Tony will let you leave." With that, Natasha walked off heading for the kitchen not giving time for Peter to speak.

Peter soon followed her and happily left all his homework behind.


Natasha couldn't say she was shocked when she walked into the kitchen. Sam and Clint had their elbows on the kitchen counter. They were arm wrestling.

"I'm telling you I'm going to win." Clint said in confidence.

"No way in hell Barton." Sam tightly squeezed Clint's arm.

Natasha could see both of them trying to get the upper hand over one another and for a while Clint was winning. He had that dumb smirk on his face when ever he knew he was going to either win something or that he was right.

Clint probably would have won to until Tony spoke up.

"Thank god you guys are finally done. I thought you were never gonna escape kid."

That caught Clint's attention and right when he heard Tony say the word "kid" he lost focus and looked towards Peter. Causing him to lose to Sam.

"Yup and that's how you do it." Sam was practically beaming with joy. He walked over to Steve and gave him a high five. Natasha could even see Bucky giving Sam a five dollar bill when he walked over there. Natasha assumed he lost the bet of who would win.

Whilst all this happened Clint just sat there staring at Peter.

"How was learning Russian?" Tony asked walking over to put his hands on the side of Peter's shoulders leading him to the dinning room table.

"Let's just say I'll be happy passing with a B." Peter answered. The whole time he spoke Clint never took his eyes off of him.

"How horrendous a B!" Tony sarcastically joked making his mouth into a "O" shape.

Instead of listening to the rest of their conversations, Natasha decided to go sit next to Clint.

"Can you lay off the kid Clint."

"Nat I know you might think I'm crazy but something is going on here." Clint tried to reason with her.

"Clint you have no reason not to trust Peter. Just give him a chance he's a really nice guy." Natasha said grabbing a bag of trail mix to snack on.

"Before you judge me again just listen to what I'm suggesting."

"Yeah whatever." Natasha wasn't even listening to him she was too busy taking out all of the MnM's out of the trail mix.

"Can you just listen." Clint grabbed the bad of trail mix popping raisins into his mouth. "For once." Clint said mouth full of raisins.

"Now I'm definitely not listening because you like raisins." Natasha started to sort her candy by color.

"This isn't about raisins!" Clint was starting to get annoyed.

"Alright alright spill." Natasha just laughed at how annoyed Clint was.

"So I was thinking if we want to understand Peter more asking him questions isn't going to work because he I'll just lie."

"That is if he is lying which he isn't."

"Whatever. Anyways I was thinking if we find out more about his powers we could start to piece this puzzle known as Peter Parker way quicker. What I'm saying is I think we should test him. You know get DNA from him." Clint finished explaining his horrible plan.

"And now do you think we are going to do that." Natasha asked dumbfounded by that stupid idea.

"I was hoping you could help with this. I don't know get a hair sample, saliva, blood preferably."

"I'm leaving." Natasha started to stand up.

Clint grabbed her arm and sat her down again.

"Please Nat. I don't trust him and this is the only thing we got right now."

Natasha looked at Clint. He had this weird look in his eye. Natasha could tell it could only one thing. Desperation.

Natasha sighed. "I'll see what I can do."

"Thank you Nat this means the world." Clint then got up and left.

Natasha didn't want to hurt Peter but, she also didn't want to hurt her best friend. Truth be told Natasha didn't know what to do.

With all of this information running through her head she decided to sit down on the couch.

When Bucky saw her he could tell something was up.

"You alright?" He asked.

"Just dandy." Natasha said not convincing him at all.

"You sound so believable."

"It's just Clint. He is so keen on proving that Peter is bad. But he just seems so nice."

"I know what you mean. As days go by I think Clint's been convincing everyone that Peter can't be trusted. Even Steve is starting to falter." Bucky agreed.

"Has he convinced you?" Natasha asked.

"No. For some reason I trust Peter. I don't think he would hurt anyone. At least not intentionally.

"I think the only ones Clint hasn't convinced is you, Tony and me."

"Im sure it will be fine. One day Clint will drop this whole thing and it will be fine." Natasha could hear a little bit of optimism in Bucky's words.

"How did you get so wise?"

"The nanny." Bucky responded.

"Did you just quote Gossip Girl?" Natasha said in shock.

"Maybe." Bucky answered grabbing a book to read.

"Let me guess Wanda is forcing you to watch it with her."

"You don't even know the half of it." Bucky said never looking up from his book.

With that they both sat in silence in the living room while everyone around them just talked.

Natasha was happy to be able to talk to Bucky like this.

It gave her hope.

(A/N) omg I haven't updated in like a month who would of thought. Well anyways I hope you like this chapter and tell me what you think. Also I don't know Russian so if that's wrong sorry I tried.

Well happy late 2023 and as always thanks for reading and....

Bye ✌🏽

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