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My head was aching. My eyes were burning but my heart was as light as a feather. As if a heavy weight had been lifted off of me. It was a feeling that I had forgotten in the years.

I slowly turned over to see Miles standing across from me with a cautious smile on his lips. My heart started to beat faster. So, all the stupid talks I had wasn't from a dream. It was the reality. Did I actually rant him everything?

My cheeks burnt with mortification and humiliation. How could I let myself behave like a stuttering idiot in front of him? After all that I had been through because of him?

"Hi." Miles started and slowly sat upright on the ruffled bed. "Did you sleep well?"

The moment he asked about my sleeping routines, another fear gripped me tighter around my neck. Had Miles really stayed over the night? If he did, where did he rest? I hoped it wasn't next to me... God, had I mumbled anything in my sleep? About the ways he treated me in my dreams? Did I cry? Sweet God, I had, hadn't I?

With my cheeks still red, I turned around to see him watching me like a zoo animal, ready to pounce on me if there was a need to tranquilize me. He looked tired, but his eyes were vigilant. His hair was as messy as ever but looked good. Just like it used to when I ran my hands over them.

"Um... good." I muttered, tucking my hair behind my ear. I brought the sheets closer as I sat and turned to face him. I took a deep breath bringing out the damage control genes in me. "Look, I'm sorry about what happened yesterday... I promise it'll not happen again."

A glimmer of amusement passed through his face, but he recovered it quickly. He was looking seriously while my panic was performing a stupid marathon. Last night, I knew I had been crying too much to understand what words had come out of my mouth. Now, no matter how much I wacked my brain to recall the events, it only drew a blank right back at me.

"Yeah. You were calling me as a ghost last night." Miles supplied and I wondered if he was reading my mind. "But we all know you are the paler one to resemble a ghost and it's not me."

"Wh... what? I'm a ghost?" I asked, perplexed.

"I mean, with your skinny bones and pale skin, you could easily pass for one." Miles shrugged. "But when you called me a ghost last night, I had to go look in the mirror."

I realized that he was making fun of me. Anger was the next thing that I came across. "I'm sure the mirror did the trick for you to understand that I was right."

"True. The mirror never lies." Miles agreed and soon, my anger subsided. Did he call himself a ghost too? "When I looked at the mirror, I saw your face and, I was sure. I turned around to see you watching me. Do you know how scared I was? I couldn't travel back to my suite after that."

The rage was coming back in sputters. He had not only made fun of me but was also pointing me for his reason to stay. Shooting daggers, I got out of the bed, crumpling the sheets and dumping it on top of his head.

"It's true! Don't you remember?" He asked in all seriousness. "It was as if you were possessed. You were jumping on me, pulling my hair and breathing fire when I gave you a frightened glance."

"I should have actually breathed fire on you!" I glared at him, walking out of the room. Miles followed behind me with a chuckle. Argh! My head was pounding.

"It was only after I hugged you that all your ghosts ran away from you." I stopped in my tracks, not wanting to turn around.

He was the only guy who could bring out fury and put cold water on it all at the same time. Miles gently put his hands around my waist, dipping his head to the curve of my neck. The sudden contact took my breath away. I had hugged him last night, but this intimate position seemed to catch me off guard.

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