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John is a Godzilla faunus from a powerful royal family who's goal is to restore balance to Remnant and defeat Salem, but inorder to do it they must have a newborn child that will one day reach the path of God-Hood.
When he was born his parents loved him with all of their hearts but they were afraid to loose him so John's father: Arthur had to find a dear good friend to take care of him.

A man is running really fast while holding a baby in his arms and it was a dark and rainy night, he found a house and he knocked on the door
And the door opens which it revealed to be Robyn Hill the happiest huntress in Remnant.

Robyn: Arthur, what are you doing here late at night and in a nasty storm?

Arthur: there's no time to explain, I need you to do me a favor.

He showed his newborn son in his arms and Robyn was shocked.

Robyn: you want me to take him in ?

Arthur: yes and all I know is that I'll never see my little boy grow up but I'm proud that he is here and for being born ( with sadness and with tears).

Arthur gave her his son and a little necklace that had a Cross with the name of Gojira ingraved but in a different language but the Cross necklace was also a key.

Arthur: give this to him when he is ready,(looks down with sadness) goodbye John, i love you my son.

He ran off since who ever were those people were got to him in the woods at the edge of a cliff, Robyn looks down at the baby and smiles as the newborn wrapped his little tail around her finger while holding it with his tiny hand.

Robyn: so that's your name, John my sweet little boy.

She took him in and raised him as if he was her own child and they were having the best time of their lives and one time Glynda Goodwitch came to visit John and things got more better when he treated Glynda as if she was his own aunt and Glynda was heartwarmed about it.

7 years later

Robyn got back from work and started looking for her son to play with him on every Friday like usual and she realized that he is playing his favorite game: Hide and seek .

Robyn: John I'm home,( noticed that he is playing hide and seek) I wonder where my Baby boy is hiding.

She kept searching and went to her room to find John, he was under the bed while giggling until she found his tail with a smirk on her face.

Robyn: I found you so guess what little guy.

John: wait mom no no don't!

It was too late as she tickled the living heck of him as he laughed so hard he couldn't stop, when she finally stopped Robyn held him tightly in her Arms and kissed his forehead.

John: that was crazy Mommy.

Robyn: I know but you like it anyways don't you?

He could not deny it, it was enjoyable to him, the two were watching a movie together with some popcorn and they were watching "Batman:Mask of the Phantasm ",
It was one of his favorite movies and he was enjoying it as he should.

John: thanks for the movie mom.

Robyn: no worries kiddo.

As the movie was done they headed upstairs to bed but she wanted to make sure that John was right next her by holding him tightly like the newborn baby he was in more of a carring and gentle poster, but later that night Robyn woke up from hearing her son screaming from a nightmare, he was crying in fear as she hugged her child tightly.

Alpha Titans of Remnant (Rwby x Godzilla and Kong Fuanus oc's) Discontinued FnWhere stories live. Discover now