Chapter 1: That Night

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In a small Town John who is now 15 years old is walking down to find the building for the sign up for Beacon academy and eventually he found it but first he needed to find some essentials like food and supplies that he needed to bring so lucky for him he found the right store.

John: Bingo, just the right store that I needed to find.

John had his scroll on him as he watches his own favorite anime: "Attack on titan ", he noticed a girl in a red hood was there with him and at that moment their eyes met for a brief moment until Remnant's top crime boss enters with his goons and it revealed to be Roman Torchwick himself, he walks to the old man to rob something very valuable.

Torchwick: No we don't want your money, grab the dust.

They began rounding up and snatching every dust that they can find so they can use it for whatever purpose but it was not for any good intentions however two of his crooks were walking towards John and the girl in red.

John: ( no no don't come over here).

Goon: hey kid, give me your wallet now.

John: listen dude, I don't want any trouble so put down the gun and leave.

Goon: oh yeah I'm shaking in my shoes and I'm supposed to be afraid?

John: I warned you and now your going to get owned.

The goon was violently been crashing through the window which surprised Torchwick and the girl in red comes out and uses her syth which it also turns into a gun started fending off the criminals at bay while John who was armed with a pistol and rifle but mainly he uses his hand gun for good reasons, he was impressed by the girl in red as she both uses her weapon and semblance to fight.

Little red: awesome skills!

John: Thanks, you're not bad you're self!

Little red: hey how about we introduce ourselves after this .

John: sounds like a plan.

The duo proceeded as planned by working together against Torchwick as a deadly storm that can't be stopped.

Torchwick: okayyy, get them.

More of his lackeys kept coming but the result remains the same as always and he needed to retreat since " what was the point " however as they went after him , they noticed a mysterious maiden in the bullhead as she used her own semblance but then a certain angry teacher uses her magic to negate her attacks.

John: ( oh crud, it's aunt glynda).

Glynda uses her wand to cast her spells against the retreating bullhead until it vanished into the night without a trace to fallow, however John knew he was going to be in trouble so he prepared for the worst as the girl in red became exited to see Glynda Goodwitch herself, however she was not happy at all .

Little red: I can't believe, can I get your autograph!

However they in the interrogation room for reminder of good behavior about what happened, this would go on until professor Ozpin enters.

Glynda: you two have no idea what kind of trouble you're in, however if you were sent home to your parents that you would be given a pat on the back, but also a slap to the risk.

However Ozpin came in with a plate of cookies which startled them at first when the girl in red jumps into John's arms but they were relieved at the last minute, Ozpin carefully placed the plate of cookies on the table for the girl in red as she was gently placed back on her feet.

John: so who are you anyway?

Ruby: oh yeah, I'm Ruby, Ruby Rose.

John: I'm John, John Hill.

Ruby: wait your Robyn hill's son ?

Ozpin: he is also my nephew.

Ruby was speechless to hear this, however John and glynda had a conversation outside the room about what happened, she believed in his words since he was only trying to do what he was instructed but he had no other option then act in self defense against Roman Torchwick and his goons, John and Ruby were both excited to hear that they will see each other in Beacon, the next morning John was at the station to enter Beacon and he saw Ruby again but this time a blonde was hugging her a little too tight.

Blonde: ooh I can't believe that my baby sister is going to Beacon academy!

Ruby: I know but you don't have to be that joyful since we're going to the same place yang.

Yang: listen little sister, I'm still going to be protective for you but hey you can still make good friends right?

Ruby couldn't help but laugh a bit, John on the other hand was saying goodbye to his mother since he is going to Beacon to become a Huntsman like her and others before him.

Robyn: good luck kiddo, I'm so proud of you that you came this far and here is what I want to give you,( shows him the key) when you're ready so you may search for what this will open.

John: thanks mom, I'll do my best to be a good Huntsman, I can't wait to find what this key leads to.

As he hugged his mother one last time before setting off to Beacon academy on a bullhead with the rest of the others and unknown to him, Nick got to the transport at the last minute before it left, however the news was going crazy about the white Fang and Roman Torchwick. Soon enough the two Fuanus boys will meet face to face once they arrive to Beacon academy.

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