Chapter 3: when the two collide

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They were almost to the registration and as soon as they reached the front desk, they will go into the emreld forest by tomorrow they spotted the same certain schnee from before which irritated them and to make matters worse she spotted them too which she glared at them in discuss as she almost forgot that she was in the middle of getting signed up for entering the emerald forest.

Weiss: oh great, the two beggers are back.

Meanwhile John and Ruby made it to the front desk as they talked.

Ruby: well we made it, however you never told me.

John: told you what?

Ruby: what kind of Fuanus are you?

John: well I'm actually a-

Before he could finish his sentence he bumps into a Fuanus about the same age as him and he had gorilla like arms in appearance and John offered him his hand to help him up.

John: sorry dude you alright( stretches his hand)?

Nick: I'm alright and thanks for-

For a moment he looked at John and he immediately started having flashbacks of what his father told him about the Godzilla Fuanus of Remnant.


Justin: Nick, the painting that you saw in the attic was a relic by our ancestors and it recorded a war between our species and the Godzilla Fuanus.

Nick: why were we fighting them?

Justin: it is believed that the Godzilla Fuanus were beings that only nows death and destruction, but there were others were dominant but neutral creatures, so if you ever meet one of them please be careful around them because we don't know if they are trust worthy since at the end of the war, we were Banished to Hallow Remnant but managed to take refuge on this part of the surface.

Nick: I see ( staring a little angry at the painting).

End of Flashback

Nick: I don't know you but stay the hell away from me, you got that?

He walked off leaving John and Ruby in shock and disgust about what he said which left them questioning about what he said.

John: what the hell is his problem?

Ruby: I don't know either, you were trying to be nice to him but you don't deserve that insult.

John: thanks Ruby, but seriously he needs to realize what he just said and done.

However it was nightfall and the sign ups were over and the good news is that Ruby and John already signed up for training for becoming Huntsmen but the bad news is that Nick is still being a discriminating like person and Weiss is also attending the event as well.

Jaune: hey there.

Nick: Jaune, what a surprise.

Jaune: I see you've been acting strange lately, is everything alright?

Nick: OK, here's two things, one I think I might have a little interest in the girl with white hair and ice blue eyes.

Jaune: you mean you like Weiss schnee, the heiress of the schnee dust company!

Nick: yeah and two: I ran into this Fuanus, the one with the Reptile features.

Jaune: you mean Johnathan, why?

Nick: you have to be careful around him and don't even think about trusting him because he could be a destroyer for I know.

Juan: I don't think so dude, when I met the guy he wasn't all destructive or anything like that, he seems like a good guy.

Nick: believe what you want but I don't trust him.

They settled in for the night and soon they needed to get a good night's sleep for tomorrow's biggest trial of becoming a Huntsman which will take place in the emreld forest . It was day time, everyone got up and quickly gathered everything they needed to use for the big challenge in the emerald forest and as they arrived, they were greeted by glynda goodwitch and Professor Ozpin who were waiting for them by the ledge that leads to the emerald forest.

Ozpin: welcome students, today's challenge is to find the relic pieces by finding an ancient small temple that is located somewhere in this very forest.

Glynda: the task will not be an easy one, there are bound to be Grimm that are just waiting to get in your way and eliminate you in the process.

Ozpin: you will be sent flying from one each of these jump pads which will take you to the forest, good luck.

Jaune: wait guys, do we need to wa-aaaah!

They were sent flying so high in the air as they were also separated from each other and they also needed to be in groups to help each other to find the temple and it's relics that awaits them.

Juan was just hanging out on the tree by the lift of his hood.

Juan: ah little help, anyone?

Nick was jumping and climbing from branch to branch thanks to his agility to move faster and he needed to be aware of any incoming Grimm that crossed his path but as soon as he stops he heard rustling coming from the bushes and he was going to grab something from his back but the bushes revealed John.

Nick: oh its you.

John: surprise I guess, listen we got to find those relics and the temple as well but we need to work together on this task.

Nick: (sigh) fine, but I'm only doing this to pass.

They both venture deeper into the dark woods while being aware of it's surroundings just in case of a surprise attack that is just waiting to happen even though Nick feels uncomfortable of having John around.

John: okay, let's see if you can clinb up the tree.

Nick: ( annoyed) does your kind aways bark orders?

John: it's no order, it's just asking that's it .

He eventually did what he asked and John knew that this is going to be a very long trip, however it's something that he wouldn't find any solace here or anywhere around the woods.

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