The Girl Becomes a Champion

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A/N: This is very much a J/S story. Just remember things aren't always what they seem...

Cackling laughter bounced all around him, echoing off mirrored walls

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Cackling laughter bounced all around him, echoing off mirrored walls. Dancers in the throes of merriment spun to and fro, their capes, gowns, hats, and feathers swirling, struggling to keep with the momentum of their master. Candlelight glinted off gilded and lacquered papier-mache masks shaped to resemble the baser creatures of their world, the ones whose nature made even his past proclivities seem tame. It was far too worldly an environment for a child–even one on the cusp of womanhood–but Jareth could not resist the desire; not for the child before him...but for her.

He watched Sarah as she searched the ballroom. From a distance, he could let himself pretend. The likeness was there although his memories were only as clear as the hazy dreamscape surrounding him, coming in and out of focus no matter how intensely he concentrated. She was always there in the periphery of his mind. If he stayed away, let Sarah continue her search, he could maintain this facade just a little longer...

Although two centuries had passed and all that remained were the faded visions of a different era, he was taken aback at the resemblance when he answered Sarah's call. The confident aura surrounding her. Eyes that seemed to pierce through him. The jut of her chin as she challenged him–something only one other mortal had ever dared and survived. Even her coloring, pale skin juxtaposed with dark long tresses, seemed familiar yet somehow so different. The girl who wished away her brother resurrected feelings he believed to be long since locked away. Forgotten. Buried with the dead.

Jareth coalesced into the assembly determined to observe. To remain hidden. A flick of a fan, a change of partners made eluding the girl effortless. Humans were still as guileless as ever. Easy to maneuver. Their natures leaving them vulnerable to the trickery of his kind. A helpful hint from an unsuspecting worm. A peach from a 'friend.' So trusting. So naive. So foolish.

The congregation of spectral Fae called to convene in her dreams, was so much like the gatherings he once attended. Courtiers dancing, rendezvous no longer secreted away in darkened corners but a time-honored highlight of the festivities. Her innocence was a beacon, a siren's song in the sea of lascivious libertines that encircled her. How long had it been since he had partaken in the rituals of his kind?

A mirrored image caught his attention. He glared at his own beautiful reflection. Melancholy touched his eyes. His thin lips turned down at the corners. It was disgusting, that a child could bring him so low. Pining for a mortal who perished generations ago. No one left on Earth was alive to remember her. Why should he?

Enough. He had a duty to perform. This was a distraction nothing more. A hindrance to keep her from winning back the child she cruelly threw away. All he needed to do was keep her searching for him, forgetting about the baby who waited for her in the center of the Labyrinth.

She pushed through the crowd unsure and scared by the revelers laughing at their own jokes. Laughing at her. Much too young. And yet, he was drawn to her against his own volition.

He hated himself for wanting to be near her if only to pretend she was someone else. He was the Goblin King. Feared not only by humans but his own kind. He had wrought so much chaos and destruction that mortals dared not speak his name lest he come and snatch their precious babes from their cribs. The Fae were quick to appease him, never wanting to gain his ill favor, for his magic eclipsed their own and they knew should he want their own kingdom, he had but to take it.

When had he become so pathetic? Contempt seethed within him. Had his past self ever witnessed this current weakness within him, he would have struck a death blow so swiftly that he would not have had time to ponder whether the act was murder or suicide.

All that dissipated as the girl in the silver ballgown stood before him. Her wide eyes staring at him, lips parting in awe. He surrendered immediately, taking her in his arms, telling himself that this was what she desired. Her dreams. That yielding was for her benefit alone. It was the only way to distract her long enough for her to lose. But he knew it was all lies.

Holding her, dancing with her felt wrong, but also somehow right. His traitorous heart all but demanded her. For the second time in his long life, he wanted to keep the mortal in his arms. He would not be so reckless this time.

When she lost, as she inevitably would, he would be generous. An exchange. The baby for her. A price he was sure she would happily pay to assuage her guilt. Though she was too young, he could wait as long as she stayed with him.

As they spun across the dance floor in a graceful waltz, her green eyes darted to the clock as it chimed in time with the music. The veil lifted from her gaze as she struggled against Jareth's grip. No, not again. His heart clenched as he watched helplessly as she broke free, fleeing from his arms. Raising a chair, she shattered her perfect dream and with it all his hopes.

He should have known this girl–so like the one before–would be his undoing.


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Ok, guys, I know I still have Thorns to update but it's going to be taking a back seat (again) because this fic is all I can think about. I'm so sorry but this going to be good. I have 6 more chapters already written. They are typically between 3-5k words. I'm going to be trying to maintain an every other week posting schedule on Sundays. So that I can post consistently for as long as possible. Something, I have never tried to do before. This is going to be the longest story I have ever written. I'm super excited. I will get back to Thorns someday.

This story is highly inspired by an anime. An anime I will be giving full credit to after the last chapter is posted so as not to give spoilers. If you want to guess which one, feel free to send me a pm on ffn or on tumblr.

I would like to thank fangamerbowiextreme for telling me to watch it and being my sounding board for months and months for this story. She's amazing. Go read her stuff if you want an epic ride. ATHAM is my fave forever.

If you like this, please let me know. I would love to hear from you.

NEXT TIME: The Champion Hits Rock Bottom.

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