The Champion's Sanity is Tested

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Sarah's head pounded or was it her ears? No, it was the knock on her bedroom door she groggily ascertained as she reluctantly sat up. The sun wasn't even up yet. A red hue painted the very edge of the horizon but deep blue still filled most of the sky. A star or two still twinkled from the night before.

Rubbing the sleep out of her eyes they popped open. Oh god–did something happen? Is Jareth okay? Had she failed in less than a day? It certainly would be a new record.

She rushed to the door and threw it open. A trifling cough caused her eyes to dart from the blank space before her to the meal service cart below. It was the same type of cart that delivered Jareth's meals yesterday. The difference today was the bright round eyes and corgi-like ears peeking over the edge.

"Excuse me, m'lady," a high voice squeaked.

Sarah side-stepped holding the door open as the goblin pushed the cart past her. It was a tiny thing, barely the height of the contraption it pushed. Its bulbous nose was tinged thulian in contrast with its smokey gray skin and coal-colored hair that hung in its silver eyes. She thought goblins weren't allowed up here.

"Your breakfast," it said, wheeling the cart to her sitting area, the silver tray clattering as it hit rugs and furniture along the way.

Sarah's stomach growled and grumbled. Besides the coffee and bagel the morning before, the king had kept her too busy to see to getting a meal for herself. "Thank you. Um–wait a minute– I know you. You used to visit the mirror in my apartment with a group of goblins, didn't you?"

Every so often, she would hear snickering and overall creepy laughter in her studio apartment. Her mirror would be filled with the gazes of goblins all searching for the one thing they knew she would give them.

The runty creature looked pleased with itself, puffing up its chest and testing the strength of the rough-stitched linen tunic it wore. "Yes! I did."

"What was your name, again?" Sarah asked as she carried the silver platter to the table.

"Squix, m'lady." Its eyes roamed the room. Searching. Its body leaning this way and that trying to get a better view.

Sarah smiled knowing just what it was looking for. She found her purse and reached inside, pushing aside old receipts and coupons she needed to throw out.

A black streak flew in the room laughing manically followed by Orla brandishing a feather duster. "You little menace," she hissed as the goblin scaled the bedposts, perching atop the canopy.

Orla's eyes widened as she saw Squix who quickly hid behind Sarah. " stole the food cart. You know you're not allowed up here," cried the kitty maid, her ears flattening in anger.

"Oh, but Orla, we're old friends. Aren't we Squix?" She felt the goblin's head nodding vigorously into her knees.

"Really, my lady–I mean, Sarah. You know these two?" Orla asked, her voice riddled with doubt and curiosity.

Sarah looked at the dark goblin who bailed from the bed with a loud thud and joined Squix behind her. It was charcoal black head to toe except for shocking white hair. Its hands were more claw-like than Squix. Its face was pointed with a small white nose and black beady eyes set wide. It wore a had pointed cap that reminded Sarah rather of an acorn top. But it was the black antennae that she remembered from her mirror back home.

"Oh yes. We go way back." She grabbed the coveted items from her purse, tossing the bag onto the floor. "Good ol' Squix and–and..."

"Triggs," a gruff voice said. Its nose lifted as it scented and searched for the object of its desire.

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