The Champion Charms a King

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Have I died? Am I beyond the veil? No. Jareth felt the weight of his body sinking into the feathered-down of his mattress. The pain that thrummed through his limbs. The warmth of flames flickering in his fireplace though blackness still surrounded him. And a soft weight holding down his arm.

Concentrating, he opened his eyes slowly in long lingering blinks, lashes fanning with each movement. His eyes adjusted to the glowing of the firelight. It was dark outside. The last of the day's light still gripped the edge of the world. The windows eerily reflected his room back at him. Everything around him was as it should be except the sleeping body next to him.

Sarah Williams sat in a chair near his bed. Her body slumped over his mattress as soft snores issued from her. Her hand outstretched holding his. Why would she put herself through all of this? Why would she care? After everything, he had put her through?

His body shifted under the covers. He ached everywhere. His mind was no different. Focusing, he tried to recall how he had come to be tucked away while Sarah held vigil. They had quarreled and then he remembered.

His memories of long ago flashed and in that moment, his defenses shattered once more. The more he remembered the more rapid his demise would come. Here he was stuck with the one person capable of making those memories rise from the ashes after he had done so much to burn them from his mind. Was this his punishment or perhaps justice for the life he had lived?

Sarah's tousled head rose, her eyes staring blearily until her focus sharpened. Redness rimmed her lids and lines from the bedding below her etched her cheek. "Jareth? Oh my god, you're awake. I was so worried."

She sat up and reached for him, the back of her hand resting against his forehead, a movement she knew was worthless but checking for a fever was her natural first instinct. Perhaps she just wanted confirmation that he was real and awake.

He reached up, wrapping his hand around her wrist, pulling it from him although her touch was comforting. "Why are you here, Sarah?" he asked his voice all but whispering her name.

"I wanted to be here when you woke up in case you needed anything," she said. Her eyes met his. The depths of emotions in the blue of his eyes puzzled her; concern, curiosity, confusion.

"No. Why are you still here?" he pressed again. How did she not have someone who would miss her presence?

She pulled away. He had just given her the scare of her life and he was questioning her motives? Or was he questioning something else? "The fire's dying. I'll add some more wood."

She walked around the bed, crossing to the hearth where she knelt adding two more logs to the fire. The flames danced, the orange and red reminding her of the creatures that tried to take her head a decade ago. Now she was in danger of losing her mind instead.

"You've been asleep for two days. I'm sure you're hungry. I'll order you some dinner." Sarah searched for her compact forgetting she had no pockets. She still wore the dress from the other day, not being able to tear herself away from his side. She was sure she looked a mess, another thing he will assuredly hold against her. She saw a golden glint on the bed where she had held watch.

His eyes closed as the candles in the chandelier and sconces lit with Sarah's movement around the room. "Order us dinner. You look like you should eat as well." He peeked at her through his hooded eyes. She looked like he felt. Fatigued and flustered.

He was unused to genuine kindness. Subterfuge and manipulation, yes. But not kindness and that was exactly what Sarah had shown him. No one who was only after their own gain would have stayed constantly by his side. She cared about him getting better. She wanted him to. It was unsettling. He knew deep down he did not deserve such treatment. Had not earned it.

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