The Champion on a Mission

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Sarah watched in her mirror's reflection as two gray hares stood on stools on either side of her. Their uniforms lacked any personal adornment. It would be hard to differentiate them except for the colors of their eyes. Juniper, Sarah learned, had blue eyes while Laureline had brown. To her great disappointment, their fluffy tails were hidden under the skirts giving their shape a bustled appearance.

They were extremely talented. Moving swiftly around her as they tied stays and ribbons, dressing Sarah in her many layers. After her dress was straightened and hems perfected, they started on her hair. She sat on a low stool as they set her hair in soft waves down her shoulders.

Their furry paws tickled her cheeks as they colored her face. Her makeup was soft and subtle. Whatever they used hid the bags that were there when they woke her. People in her world would pay an arm and a leg for these kinds of results.

Sleep had been elusive for her, tossing and turning all night. Her encounter with Jareth was too close. Her reaction to his nearness was as dangerous as him. It was difficult for her to deny her attraction to him physically. He was everything she wanted the Jareth in her time to be. Healthy, strong. His handsome appearance knew no equal in his prime.

But he was unpredictable. Callous and cruel.

She resolved to stay as far away from him as possible from now on. If she kept interacting with him, he might never take the time to find Brigid himself which could start a ripple effect that could change the entire future.

She'd already failed to be discreet. What she thought was luck, finding a way into the castle, had become a detriment. She was never supposed to be noticed and here she was the guest of the Crown Prince. First Torren and then Rowan had warned her but as usual, she had to charge in guns a'blazing without even thinking to load them first. What she lacked in discretion, she would make up for with determination.

After much late-night pacing, she had finally devised her best course of action. She learned during dinner last night that today would be a day of rest for the Fae and supposed acclimation for mortals. Food and drinks would be served all day. The castle's central entertaining wing would be open for guests to mingle, presumably for the Fae to show off their quarry. It might be her best and only chance to find Brigid.

"There, my lady, you look splendid," said Juniper as she hopped down off her stool. Her nose twitched and she smiled, showing her adorable teeth.

"Thank you," Sarah replied. She barely recognized herself. It was her but every flaw she had perceived seemed smoothed or blurred. Her dress today was white with a butter-yellow ribbon around the waist. It reminded her of the Easter dresses she was forced to wear every year to attend church services. All she was missing was a wide-brimmed hat and shiny white patent leather shoes. Unfortunately, her loafers might be visible when she walked.

Laureline walked with a bounce in her step to the door, holding it open for Sarah. "We were told to escort you to the Great Hall."

"Of course, please lead the way." She took her time admiring the murals on the walls. Every few feet sconces draped with crystals like miniature chandeliers hung on the walls. Alcoves featured marble statues of men and women in various states of undress. Their forms studies in strength and grace. It felt as though she was walking through a museum rather than someone's home.

A few minutes later, Sarah found herself on the landing with the two extravagant staircases on either side. To the right, the stairs led to the Grand Ballroom, and to the left, the Great Hall. She could not get over all the white and pastels decorating the walls and ceilings. The brightness of the morning sun shining through the windows was overwhelming.

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