The Champion Becomes a Queen

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Joyous laughter bounced all around him, echoing off the vaulted ceilings. Dancers in the throes of merriment spun to and fro their capes, gowns, hats, and feathers swirling, struggling to keep with the momentum of their master. Champagne poured liberally from fountains filling crystal flutes as toasts were raised and repeated if only to give the guests an excuse to keep drinking.

Sunlight shone through windows as it slowly lowered on the horizon hitting the chandeliers, refracting a thousand minuscule rainbows on every surface. The amiable atmosphere would turn far more worldly when the sky was cloaked in stars. He could not resist her for too much longer.

Jareth watched Sarah as she traversed the ballroom. Smiling. Greeting guests from far and wide. Introducing herself to new faces. Building new alliances. Indulging the curious. Embracing a mousy friend and her flamboyant husband after centuries apart. But every once in a while she seemed to search the ballroom. Her eyes scanning. Seeking.

He no longer felt the need to pretend. To imagine and dream. His restored memories from long ago, no matter how rose-colored they may seem now, could never compare to the reality of Sarah. The reality of her .

After two centuries of waiting, he finally had her. For now and always. She was resplendent in white against the pale cream of her skin. Her dark hair flowed down her back in waves of silken chocolate tresses. The confident aura surrounding her. Eyes that seemed to pierce through him. The jut of her chin as she challenged him–something only she could ever dare. She'd never looked so beautiful. Elegant. Regal. His heart burned with the knowledge that his years of torment had come to an end, to be forgotten and replaced with the life they would build together.

Jareth coalesced into the assembly determined to observe. To remain hidden. A shake of the hand and greeting of old allies made eluding his bride effortless. It would not last long. She was far too clever. Impossible to manuever. Her nature not one to fall victim to the trickery of his kind. No longer foolish and naive but strong and determined.

The congregation of corporeal Fae called to convene in celebration was so different than the gatherings he once attended. Welcoming. Accepting. Courtiers dancing, wine and champagne glasses reflecting the light as they were raised and tipped back, whispers and rumors replaced with open praise. The newlyweds' happiness a beacon, a siren's song in the sea of lascivious libertines coveting his queen.

A mirror image caught his eye. He stared at his own beautiful reflection. A new emotion brightened his eyes. His lips quirked into a grin. His cheeks ached. It was amazing the change one mere mortal could bring.

Enough. He had a duty to perform, this ceremony was a highlight for his kingdom and his monarchy. Ushering in a new era. She spotted him instantly. Her wide eyes staring at him, lips spreading into a broad sparkling smile.

She pushed through the crowds undeterred by their brazen jokes and laughter. Running towards him, she threw her arms around his neck as he lifted her against him, bringing their lips to meet in a kiss as their guests cheered and music began to play.

Gone were the days when he was feared by mortals. For the only mortal to know of his true existence loved him even though his own kind feared him. His power stronger than ever before and hers as great.

He surrendered to the music immediately, taking her in his arms, reminding himself that this was what she desired. Her dreams. That he benefitted from them so greatly, thrilled him to his selfish core.

Holding her, dancing with her felt so right. His steadfast heart all but demanding her. She was meant for him. Destined to be with him. A part of him. Mo Anam Cara. For the first time in his long life, he would get to keep the mortal in his arms.

As they spun across the dance floor in a graceful waltz, her gaze never left his. Bright green eyes that were sure and devoted. His heart clenched being the recipient of such open and honest ardor. All his hopes and dreams reflected back at him.

He should have known this woman-so unlike the girl before-would be his salvation.

The End

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