The Champion Breaks a Promise

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Applause thundered in the ballroom. Caught in the stares of a hundred eyes, Sarah grabbed a flute of champagne off the silver platter of a servant passing by. She downed the contents dumbstruck and disconsolate.

Why had her luck just now decided to turn? What good was this wish if she could never have her heart's desire? She couldn't fix Jareth or change the past. What would she even use it for? The thought of using it for something selfish like an acting career made her stomach turn. She couldn't fathom making that decision now. Not with everything else balancing so precariously in her hands.

The Dagda approached her, the crowded parting as he walked by. He took her empty hand and kissed it. Sarah looked at Rowan who relieved her of her glass then Daisy who quickly bobbed prompting Sarah to remember to curtsy to the High King.

"My lady, shall we open the ball with a dance?" he asked with a smile that radiated warmth and good cheer.

Sarah took his hand and cast a nervous glance over her shoulder as she was led to the center of the ballroom. Jareth stood with his arms crossed, brow raised with a smugly satisfied smirk stretched across his face. A knowing look that reminded her that without his interference she would have been humiliated as she tripped and trodded over the High King's feet.

The crowd dispersed to the edges of the dance floor, circling the lone couple. Watching them. Waiting. Her heart pounded in her ears, her throat felt as though she had swallowed a rock as flashes of sinister masked faces flashed before her eyes. But she was not a child any longer and no broken glass would save her now.

The High King presented Sarah to the crowd as music coming from nowhere and everywhere began to play a lilting waltz she had never heard yet knew. She recognized it as the longest dance in her mental catalogue of Fae revelry, often used to open a ball which allowed the hosts to be showcased and others to join in order of rank. This gave even the lowest guests time to enjoy the dance. As the two came together, her body moved with effortless muscle memory. Her every step filled with grace and poise.

Jareth watched Ivy dancing in the arms of another. Though he knew it was a matter of formality, his jaw clenched and leather-clad fingers strained against the fabric as they flexed. He needed a drink or a distraction. Other couples joined the High King and the Yuletide Champion, sweeping across the dance floor.

Saoirse approached as her husband whisked a mortal maid into the fray leaving his wife alone and in need of a partner. She clasped her hands together, pushing her cleavage higher as she batted her painted lashes in his direction.

She was the perfect entertainment. It was impossible to deny a request to dance. Refusal was seen as an act of hostility that easily could build resentments, fuel mistrust, topple economies, and lead to war. The Fae were far too preoccupied with appearances. But if Saoirse had not understood him clearly before, she certainly would before the song ended.

"Shall we forget our petty squabbles this week?" she asked, twirling a copper-red curl around her green-gloved finger.

Jareth offered his arm and led her to the floor. She practically preened as he placed his hand on her waist. His eyes caught sight of Ivy across the room and he led his new partner into the swirling current of couples. He stepped into the dance, weaving through the crowd with ease as he tried to keep Ivy within view.

Sarah saw a flash of flaxen and red swirl away from her. Jareth danced with the Fae woman she had seen jumping her horse before The Hunt, the one now bedecked like a gaudy ornament. She was still beautiful although Jareth's face dripped with disdain as the woman smiled broadly, oblivious to her partner's derision. In fact, the woman seemed more concerned with everyone else noticing her than garnering the attention of the King with whom she danced. His eyes glassed over as he went through the motions, taking another turn around the floor until with predatory precision they met Sarah's.

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