third day- night

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( authors note: so cause I want to like write as Edward we are going to do his point of view this day(MOSTLY), and I'm going try to get to 1,000 words and I'm not much of a big writer. comment some suggestions like what I should add, like if I should talk about how Edward kittens lmao)

Edward stretched his arms against his setup. he was getting tired of hacking on it, which was for his job. and he was getting a little excited for tonight. He was locked up in his room usually but he wasn't anymore. he had something to look forward to that wasn't a stupid politic dying or found out from his lies. he wondered if he was going to tell them how he wanted vengeance on people and his way of life. even maybe killing people. he wasnt looking forward to much of that. His neighbor was on his mind other than something he enjoyed. He needed to get them off but of course, he was meeting them in an hour.

hearing a beep from his phone. he looked down at it. his neighbor texted him," so where are we going,"

"I know a lot we cafes near here," Edward texted

"no fancy restaurant 🥺"

" We can go to a better place if you want to" Edward texted. He truly didn't want to go to a fancy restaurant that wasn't expensive. and you both weren't going on a date. Edward wondered if it was or not. It was only an experiment he thought of it.

"no it's fine we can go to the cafe."

"Alright, " Edward texted looking at his closet. he didn't have many clothes that were fancy so he just got a shirt and black jeans. He wasn't trying to get that fancy. as he changed he try to fix his hair it was getting a little messy not taking care of it as he needed to. and he needs a little cut. something that he needed help with.

Edward opened the door to the girl next door.

(point of view changed to y/n)

you were wearing an oversize shirt with black jeans we're fancy. with, of course, converse. You didn't see much of dressing up fancy even if you kinda thought of it as a date. But he didn't look like he didn't. You need to teach him about even getting him better clothes. And you kinda didn't like wearing any dress or anything like that, basically anything fancy. unless it was a suit because it made you feel cool.

" you look nice," you said being a little sarcastic which he noticed it was.

"you look nice too," he said rolling his eyes already thinking of leaving.

" shall we go?" You asked. He gave you a nod and so you both walked to the cafe. Of course, he was leading the way.

(point of view changed to Edward)

leading his neighbor to the cafe. It was one of his favorites. Edward usually just ordered a black coffee. You both sat down and started to order.

" can I have an iced coffee with a slice of pumpkin," y/n said right when just sitting down? You were surprised by how fast they were. Looking at the menu. " Make that two,"

" oh so you're copying me," they said looking at Edward. Guess they did take offense to ordering the same as them. so confusing. Maybe Edward should have gotten what he usually got but he wanted to try something new. Edward just ignored them and got his attention on something else.

"You know on dates you're supposed to be talking to the other," they said fishing for conversations.

deciding that it was for the best Edward started a conversation," how was your day today?" Edward said looking straight at the other.

"Good, how was yours,"

"the same as usual," Edward said then continued to be silent till the food got there. Of course, he wasn't a much talker in this kind of stuff. But he wanted to change he wanted someone to make him change.

as the food and coffee arrived. Edward started to eat it and very much enjoy it.

"You look like you enjoy that," y/n said. Edward started to look at his plate almost done. He was happy that he got it. it was very good. " one of the best,"

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