??? day

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( what if I did the next chapter with Edwards's point of view for 2k views? )

( what if I did the next chapter with Edwards's point of view for 2k views? )

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Dark. You couldn't see anything. You were tied up. There was duct tape on your mouth too. To keep you quiet. You were confused. What was happening? Where were you? The floors were wood and the wall was black. You couldn't see where you were. You had no clue. You couldn't even remember anything. Your head ache as you looked around. What was happening? The only thing you knew was that you were bringing Edward to your room. You were happy. Pure joy. Someone cared about you. It was a nice memory. Believing that's why you remember it. Evening feeling like you were missing something. But trying to remember hurt.

You were scared. You were shaken up. You couldn't escape. You were kidnapped. By who? As you wondered a black figure walked up as they put the blinds aside the light shone through. Your eyes were adjusting. As it was done you looked at the figure. It was Edward. You look at him in fright. As your memories came back. He kidnapped you. Why? You both were happy. Were you? You both shared something special. It was fake. All of it was fake. You didn't trust him. You hated him. Did you hate him though?

"Well well look who we have here," Edward said chuckling. Like it was a game. You were scared for your life. He had something planned. You didn't want it. You just felt like dying here. You couldn't take it. Someone you liked was something more evil than you imagine. Why did you trust him? It was Gotham. You couldn't trust anything. But you badly wanted to trust him. You felt so weird. You were so confused by the situation and your feelings.

As Edward walked closer and closer. You backup. You didn't want him to get near. You couldn't believe was happening. You were so confused. But scared for your life. But at the same time you weren't scared. You were ready.

He then went up to you and started to untie you so carefully so peaceful," sorry for making it so tight," he said safely as he grin at you, a frightening grin." You don't have to be scared."

But you were. It was like he was someone different. Like you never knew him. You wanted to go back dearly. Go back to where Edward was kind. Where Edward cared. The one you like. Enough to share a kiss. enough to do so much for him.

After he untie you he went and then ripped off the duct tape as it hurt and felt like it was on forever. You didn't have the chance to leave. You looked at him. His eyes. He was still Edward but different. His whole personality even changed.

You tried to talk. But you were mostly out of breath. " Ed- why.. Why did you..." You said out of breath as he looked at you, he just sighed." Just wait I will tell you everything." He looked away and then grabbed a plate for you that was full of food. "Here's some food, you need to get your energy back," he said which you didn't accept. You couldn't accept it. You would rather die.

"It not poison or anything," he said as he went and had a bite of his own. You were hungry. So you just accepted it. You didn't know what to do. Something in you mind told you to not eat it but you had to. The food looked good. You wondered if he cooked a lot.

You just wanted to leave. Get revenge. Leave his house. Leave Gotham. But you had no way to. You could never.

Once you were done Edward started to talk," I'm very sorry for hurting you.. I just want to keep you safe," he said like he was telling a lie. There was most definitely something else to it. " Stop lying," you said eager to know the truth.

He looked down at you," Calm down," he said as he laughed as you tryied to argue back. "Calm down? You kidnapped me!" You started to get more angry the more you talked to him. You wanted to slap him.

"For a good reason," he said as he tried to convince you. Like he was trying to say it was fine. Like he was manipulating you. To Calm down.

"Then why was I tied down?" You said angrily. You were confused, to much confused.

"So you don't go, so I can keep you safe." He said softly like it was fine like everything was fine. No, you couldn't believe it. Someone just kidnapped against your will and said it was fine, to calm down.

"Are you crazy?" You said responding to his messed up words you hated to hear.

"That's what they always say," he said as he chuckled weirdly a little too creepy to you. as he went to go tied you down again. He didn't trust you. Maybe you could make him trust you. Like someone in a movie. So you just lay there. let him. He smiled. He knew you were listening. He liked it. It made you feel uncomfortable but you felt something else. You wanted to just- oh you couldn't think of it in this kind of situation. You still felt feeling towards him. You hated it. You hated him. But you wish you both were happy.

As you he went to away. You felt tears. Your life was falling apart. You were changing. No edward changed. So you just sat there. Imagining getting out of the place. Remembering the day you both went on your first date. It wasn't really a first date. But it was like to you. You like the memory. You like where you both laughed. Saw him smile. You couldn't think about it anymore. Everything was gone. You knew you will just die there. No one was let free if you were kidnapped. God. You just wanted to be happy. Why could you just be happy?

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