Fourth day - night

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( hey if you want to talk to me or anything on discord I have the link to my discord that is just a Gotham discord lmao )

both of you walked into your room. you were walking beside him like he was planning something. You never thought how he magically showed or how he knew about your workplace. You couldn't think about it now. The thing you had on your mind was how much you wanted to say sorry or how much you wanted to thank him for trying. For trying to save you. You felt like he was so sweet so innocent. You wanted to take care of him. Understand him. Talk to him. But you didn't know if you could.

You both sat down at the table," do you need anything," you said


"Anything to drink or eat,"


You looked at him as he was looking down he had something on his mind. Something you need to know. he was so secretive. you both seemed so close but so far away. You wanted to know more. Maybe you should let it go.

"Thanks for trying to save me," you said trying to start a conversation. you wanted to talk to him.

"What are you talking about. I didn't help you," he said raising his voice. He looked so mixed up.

" it's fine if you didn't I still appreciate it," you said trying to smile but you couldn't.

"Here let me make us some food." You felt sad. Which made you want to cook, cheer him up.  so you started to get your supplies. maybe some spaghetti well it was the only thing you had. As he looked at you while you cooked you wondered. But you continued.

Once you were done you served it to him. He didn't speak. But ate it. You didn't mind it but started to eat too. Once you were done you looked at him. He was done too and he was just looking at you. You felt awkward. "Um," you said as you decided just to collect the dirty dishes. It was such an awkward atmosphere. You didn't like it.

Once you were done you asked," so what do you want to do now?" You were trying desperately to do something. Make him talk make him do something.

"I should go," he said sternly.

"What?" You were confused he was just leaving after you made him dinner.

He got up and decided he had to go. No, you didn't like it. You got up," Edward.." You were mad and he knew it. He looked back and just started to stare at you. Looking at you he started to walk up. So you did too. Once you knew what was going to happen. You let it happen. You both kissed.

You felt glad. No, you were confused. He wanted it. But why. You guy's first kiss was like this?

As you started to question yourself. Edward put his hands on your mouth. You were confused. Your eyes widen, what was he doing?  You watched as his muscular hands slowly made you pass out.

"Go to sleep," he said calmly. It seemed like you never even knew him.

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