new beginnings & new enemies

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This was all copy and pasted from the original work on my AO3 account.

Tubbo was not thrilled when he had to switch schools. No one would be!

The worst part, the cherry on top, was that he also had to move. To fucking America of all places.

To be fair, he didn't know anyone back in Brighton anyway, it wasn't the biggest loss. But that didn't mean he wanted to leave! It was his childhood home, and he is gonna miss his old room.

His mother kept trying to show him the good side of things, "Tubs, c'mon. You might find some friends here! Meet some new people! I want you to experience being a teen while you're still- well- a teen!"

His whole family moved here because his older sister had gotten a scholarship to a college around here, and they wanted to stay close together, so here they were. In a new country.

He wasn't that pissed, in all honesty. He didn't care for too much back home- he's mostly mad just in spite at this point.

Tubbo's mother continued making breakfast, Tubbo groaned and walked back to his new room. It was warm, the lingering summer air seeping through his window. The sun shines through, painting his room in light.

He grabs some clothes from drawers and walks to his bathroom, boxes littering his floor.

The door shuts and he slips off his shirt, pulling the new one on. It's white with some brand logo on it, and he puts on his jeans. Tubbo grabs his hairbrush and pulls it through his hair, straightening out the bed head and fluffing it unintentionally.

The familiarity of his morning routine was calming, and so was the rhythm of his toothbrush against his teeth.

Tubbo walks back out and grabs his phone, twisting around his wall and going down his stairs once more to the living area.

He slips his phone into his pocket and sits at the breakfast bar, sipping a glass of water resting at seat.

"Do you want some eggs and toast hun?" his mother said, turning her head to him and smiling.

"I'll just have a piece of toast, i'm not too hungry- nerves an' stuff."

"That's alright, do you want jelly on it?"

Tubbo nodded his head and went on his phone, scrolling through twitter but not actually reading any of the tweets.

It doesn't take long for a plate to be slid over to him, and he starts to scarf it down as he looks at the time and realizes that if he does not speed up, he will be late.

He doesn't want to be late on his first day. That would be a fucking pathetic first impression.

He quickly shoves his seat away from the counter and walks over to the door, slipping on a pair of shoes and a green button up as a lightweight jacket of sorts. With his backpack thrown over his shoulder and his house keys in his pocket, he waves his mother goodbye and rushes out the door.

There's barely any time for breakfast in the mornings- he's lucky he isn't Lani, she has to get up 30 minutes before him.

Tubbo opened his car door and started driving over to the school, where he'd have to figure everything out again.

He's lucky he'd gotten his American license a few days before schools started, if he didn't he'd have to walk.

He put music on his phone while he drove to his daily jail, trying to calm some of his ever growing nerves.

It was intimidating, he didn't know anyone or anything here. He had no clue what the teachers were like- and if they'd care if he doodled on his work.

It didn't take long for him to pull into a parking spot outside of the building.

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