We have our whole life ahead of us - Epilogue

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A short and sweet epilogue to this story.


(I had a lovely fan make fanart of Ran and Tubbo's first kiss in this, and it's so cute!! Go check it out, <333
https://www.instagram.com/p/CdtX9MHPJn9/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= )

Hi. Wow. This is the last chapter.

I won't bore you here, but I would be appreciative if you read my notes at the end.

If not, that's okay.

Just know that I've had so much fun writing this, and I thank you for reading this far.

I love you.

Enjoy. <3


As time passes, the flowers bloom.

The love that used to just bubble between the boys is now popping and overflowing- it's erupting with emotions and everything good in the world.

Tubbo can't help but smile when he thinks back to his junior year and the aftermath of his and Ranboo's kiss; and subsequent dating.

Vividly, he can basically reimagine everyones reactions.


Tubbo and Ranboo were sitting at their lunch table with their little group of friends, eating and joking around.

It was about a month or so after they started dating, and it was one of their last lunch periods before break.

"Yeah- it's fucking dumb shit! We have a test on the last day before Christmas break! Who the fuck does that!" Tommy exclaims as he stabs his food aggressively.

Wilbur snorts, and Tubbo shoots back, "Well, Mrs. Handet does. You should've just had a better maths teacher, like me and Ranboo."

Ranboo nods, and swallows his food, "Yeah, we're watching a movie. I think it's Finding Dory?"

"Yep!" Tubbo says as he shoves more pasta in his mouth.

Tommy rolls his eyes and scoffs, "Go fuck yourselves. I hate you both so much. I'm going to exile Ran-Bitch again. Go back to being a loner! Instead of finding a fucking fish, go find yourself some bitches asshole."

"Yeah Ran, go get some bitches. I, unlike you, have bitches," Tubbo laughs.

Ranboo pretends to look shocked, "I thought you'd be on my side! Who's bitch do you have?"

"You, dumbass. Did you fucking forget?"

Quackity chimes in, "Woah! Ranboo is Tubbo's bitch? Real? Not Fake? Enemies to lovers?"

Tubbo chokes on his food, and, not remembering other people are around turns to look at Ranboo, "Oh shit! Is that what this is?"

Ranboo looks back, "Oh my god."

"Holy fuck, we are literally a real life eniemes to lovers- God I'm fucking dying-" Tubbo cuts himself off, throwing his head down on top of Ranboo's arms that were resting on the table. Ranboo rests his head on top of Tubbo's, and they both start to laugh loudly, unaware that other other people had no idea what they were talking about.

Tommy shoots an eyebrow up, confused, "Wait wait wait, what!? Excuse me?"

Tubbo looks up and his face turns into an "Oh shit." expression; Ranboo looks at Tubbo and they both start laughing again.

Tubbo starts, still laughing through the words, "Okay we kind of forgot to tell you all I guess. That's our bad."

Looking even more impossibly confused, Wilbur tried to clarify, "No no, back track, forgot to tell us what? Is it what we are all thinking?"

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