Sports suck. And you can suck my dick, Asshole.

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Tubbo and Ranboo are forced to play sports, and are stuck together for the entire day. Literally.

For one day, Tubbo lets himself have fun with Ranboo. They still play up their hatred, but Tubbo can't help but feel a bit special at the way Ranboo still cares for his well being.

Needless to say, sports are not Tubbo's thing.


I don't know if this was needed to say but Tommy and Freddie's relationship is platonic in this! they are just friends :))

(This is day one of spirit week at their school!!)

Hope you enjoy :DD


Confidence highs are the best kind of highs. Not like Tubbo would know would know what it's like to be high, he doesn't, well, like to do that? He doesn't know, but he does know that being high off of confidence is deadly.

It lasted the entire day.

In the last few minutes of class, his teacher, Mrs Sherman, stood up to make an announcement.

"Okay everyone, I know you are all anxious to leave," the class chatter quieted as she spoke, "but next Monday the school is hosting a sprint week, as you all probably know. Monday is going to start it off with a sports competition- you're going to be assigned partners."

Everyone started murmuring, talking about how they are going to be picked and some raving about how they are going to be the best at the games.

"I got to make the teams for this class, so I'll be emailing you all later who you're teamed with. The rest of the events of Spirit Week will be included. Make sure to turn in your essays by midnight!"

Tubbo heard the last bell sound and he stood up, head held high, and headed his way up to the library.

It resides at the top floor of the high school, in a hidden corner that is only hidden because no one really uses it. Which is kind of nice, that means it is never really crowded, and makes a nice meet up place after school.

On the other side of the hallway he notices Tommy talking to Freddie, their other friend.

Tubbo walks over to them, shaking them on their shoulders to scare them from behind.

"Holy shit! What the fuck you ass-" Tommy turned around, "oh. Hi Tubbo."

He flashes a big smile and waves to the two, turning over to face Freddie, "You staying after school with us Fred man?"

"Nope, I hav'ta get going. Mum wants me to get groceries while she takes my sister to the doctors."

"Have fun with that," Tommy chuckled, as he waved him goodbye and started walking with Tubbo to the Library.

"So what is the essay on?"

"It's on deciphering a fuckin' poem. It makes no sense! They use weird words, like just be straight forward! Words that don't even exist!"

Tubbo laughs, and they start to climb the long stairs up to the library.

They weave through the long hallways, opening and closing doors until they reach their destination.

Time flies for about two hours, filled with confusion over made up words and laughter echoing around the book filled room.

Tommy has finally finished his essay, half assed but still finished, and Tubbo isn't looking at his laptop when he hears a school email notification. His friend looks over to his screen before he can, "Tubs! You got the team email!"

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