The best duos hate each other (and are mutually pining)

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Spirit week ends, Tubbo and Ranboo get sad, Ranboo get more upset, and Tubbo is there to help.


Tubbo hated the fact that he had fun on Monday with Ranboo. So, true to his word, he does not take the ten dollars his mother left him on the counter.

Well, technically, he does. He just puts it right back into the drawer where his mom got it from. She is going to no doubt notice, but there isn't much he can do. He's not a liar!

Okay, he lies sometimes. Only when necessary.

But he would never lie to his mother.

When it was time for dinner, all Tubbo would see when he looked at her was a small smirk. He wished he did lie, actually. Fuck being honest.

The middle of the week was a blur of various activities. And by Friday, Tubbo still hated Ranboo. Yep, he is being very truthful!

Tommy begs to differ, though.

He can tell you all the stories from Tuesday through Thursday, how the "rival" duo started to get- close. Lots of teasing and joking hatred.

Key word: joking.

Tuesday, for starters.

"Ranboo I swear to fucking GOD-"

Ranboo laughs, as he wraps the blindfold around the shorter's eyes.

Today's wonderful activity was defuisng "bombs" while blindfolded.

Once more, everyone was sat in the field with their partners, and Tommy and Freddie were seated right by the duo. They are lucky in a sense, as Tommy tells Freddie. They get free entertainment- whats more funny then two people shouting at eachother over stupid shit?

Freddie seems to disagree.

Ranboo finishes tying off the blindfold and guides a reluctant Tubbo to a clear spot on the green. He opens their bomb kit, and sets it between them. Tubbo starts stringing together insults that mean nothing to Ranboo, as he reads out the rules and how they're supposed to do this.

"You know I can't believe I am the one that has to be blindfolded, this is so fucking unfair-"

"Tubbo, we played rock paper scissors. It was a fair game, and you lost. Suck my dick."

"Oh you would like that wouldn't you bitch."

Ranboo lets out a laugh and tells Tubbo what they're supposed to do. All of the work has to be done by the blindfolded participant, and the other has to read out what they have to do. The buttons and wires and everything have textures for the blindfolded to know which is which.

They aren't allowed to help them otherwise, technically.

But after 30 minutes of yelling at each other-

"Tubbo that's the wrong one- you idiot oh my lord-"

"You gotta be more descriptive! They are too similar, these damn wires,"

"Just move over towards the right more, it says the word blue on it-"

"I can't see, Ranboo!"

"It's literally textured to the word blue."


"Yeah, now cut the wire!"

-They start to give up on solely talking.

Their words dissolved into empty threats and stupid jokes once more. It just happened- they didn't want it to, but it just did. It always did.

"This button feels like a dick."

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