God said to love thy neighbor, so give me a kiss.

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We can figure it out together. We have the whole weekend- and newly cleaned clothes.

Or; Tubbo and Ranboo relax in eachothers arms as a storm brews outside their little safe bubble.

Ranboo's left hand was tight on the steering wheel, while the right was resting in the palm of Tubbo's. The skin on skin contact was electrifying, the warmth of the other being so close that Tubbo could feel Ranboo's pulse.

A light thump, holding a steady rhythm.

The storm and pitter of rain persisted, making the roads progressively more dangerous to the potential of tires spinning out of control on the wet pavement. The taller's eyes were focused on the road ahead, and a gentle smile on his face that was accompanied by tints of pink and strawberry. It was wonderful to know that he can look down and see his and Tubbo's hands intertwined. Tubbo's legs were sat in a criss-cross position, his hoodie wrapped tightly around himself as the car heated up slowly in the ever growing chill of the October night. His head rested against the car seat's headrest as his eyes were soft and heavier as the dull love lulled his body to a relaxed and comfortable state.

A quiet, acoustic song played on the AUX; one that was named after clay pigeons, with lyrics and choruses that rambled on about travelling.

Small scenarios of him and Ranboo travelling along the countryside played through his mind. They would be able to go wherever, whenever. Freedom of air in his lungs that haven't been as contaminated by the bastardous ways of some of the pricks in this godforsaken country.

Maybe they could go to the sunny, warm, rural side of France; sipping aged wine and listening to love songs in the foregin dialect.

Maybe they would settle down; raise a kid and start a family.

That was a silly thought.

They were only 17, anyway.

They could go on some road trips, though. Accompany the other on family vacations. He could admire the one who had taken his heart and held it gently between his hands.

Tubbo moved his head to the side to look over at the boy driving, and his lips turned up as he saw him moving his head to the tune of the music. Maybe it's cliche, but Tubbo already feels so much more comfortable around Ranboo. With the past week so void of details and memorable singular moments, how had he fallen in a few days?

Perhaps it was always some sort of gentle admiration; hidden under a silly little task of being "better." Even with few individual moments Tubbo could pick out, it does make some sort of sense. There hadn't needed to be jam packed days full of important moments. Ranboo and him made everything special and important, so it blended together. He wasn't nit-picky, so the week passed full of fun moments.

As Tubbo peered at the sandy haired boy, he was full. Not of butterflies. That doesn't fit as well. It was more like those fluffy moths fluttering around. Moths fit him and Ranboo better. It tickled his insides and his heart, as they gently chewed on his mind as if it were cloth. The moths had always been around, but only recently had they been able to chew a hole big enough in Tubbo's mind that he got the consciousness of how much he liked this boy.

Ranboo stops at a red light, and looks over into Tubbo's eyes. Green and blue and grey meeting solid coffee brown. It reminded Ranboo of teddy bears, and the dirt you would see as you are planting flowers in a garden.

He squeezed his hand, and started moving the car as the light turned a blurry green, obscured by rain droplets and years of nonstop use and power. A streak of light is seen ahead in the dark and cloudy sky, followed by a loud crack and boom.

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