The local laundromat is where romance lives

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Who knew washing your clothes could be so full of homosexual romantic feelings?



the laundromat scene.

the song that plays is called "Deep Brown Eyes" by "The Bedside Kites" which i totally recommend, it's a wonderful song!!

Thunder storms and washing clothes, what else could you want?

"Whoop!" Tubbo exclaimed, quickly grabbing onto Ranboo's arm and dragging them both off the plush couch and up to a standing position.

He quickly grabbed their bags and threw Ranboo's into his arms, his eyes still red and slightly puffy from his library-breakdown.

Tubbo grabbed his hoodie and slipped it on, Ranboo soon doing the same.

Out the window, light flashed and seconds later thunder could be heard booming from what seemed like 2 miles away.

Tubbo jumped slightly at the noise, but ultimately started to grab Ranboo's again to pull him towards the door. The taller almost tripped over his feet at the unexpectedness, but was able to regain his balance at the door to turn off the sim lights and lock the door again.

The two walked calmly through the empty halls, footsteps and rain and thunder the only sounds until either of them speak.

"So, how'd you even get into the Library if it was locked? How did you get into the school?" Tubbo said, hand still wrapped around Ranboo's wrist.

"I have a key. But how did you get in?"

"I picked the lock," he replied, all too happy about his deeds.

Ranboo laughed and started walking beside Tubbo, down the stairs and to the door to the parking lot.

"Wait, do you have your car with you?"

Ranboo shook his head, "Nope, I got a ride from someone today. Normally my parents would yell at me for that, but they'll be gone for the weekend so I'm fine."

Tubbo shrugged, and started to walk a bit faster towards the door he entered in. He quickly pushed it open and locked it again, rain starting to splatter against the two's hair and jackets.

"Okay, we are going to have to run to my car," Tubbo starts, pointing ahead towards the only car left in the lot, "it's that one right there."

Without any more warning, Tubbo pulled Ranboo into the pouring rain and started soaking their jackets. Their shoes hit the concrete and the running almost made Tubbo slip multiple times.

Ranboo found that particularly funny.

Once they reached the car, Tubbo immediately opened the doors and let go of Ranboo's hand reluctantly. The loss of contact made Ranboo feel a little more alone, but he was unable to dwell on that as the doors of the vehicule unlocked and the two sat down in the passenger and driver seats.

The car was nice, kind of older and run down. It looked worn in, and Ranboo loved it.

"Nice car." Ranboo says, out of breath.

Tubbo smiles, his eyes crinkling at the compliment, "Thanks, Big Man."

When the doors were closed, the duo sat back for a second and looked over at each other, starting to burst out laughing when they saw how wet the other was. Tubbo's hair was more wet than Ranboo's, as his hood flew off sometime when they were running. Due to this, the shorter one shook his head back and forth like a dog to try and get water out and dry his hair.

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