1. panic sentence

185 5 0

y/n's pov:

You sigh and squint your eyes while opening the steamy dishwasher. the scolding hot steam tickles your nose as you jump back.

"ugh not again, they need to fix this dishwasher." you say annoyed.
"I agree." says Nick, the coworker who's stuck with you this entire hell ride.

you begin to get the cooking utensils and worker plates out of the dishwasher and stumble falling straight on your ass, dropping all of the plates, breaking them on impact.
looking around you notice the dishwasher had been leaking and you hadn't noticed the puddle of water that stood there.

"FUCKING GOD DAMNIT" you scream as Nick runs over to help you up.

you're boss runs into the kitchen on the behalf of the loud noises.

"y/n what have you done this time?"
he looks at you with disappointment.

"look, the dishwasher was leaking And I had stepped in the water and fell. I broke some of the worker plates while falling. I'm terribly sorry, Andy."

Nick helps you up and you begin to clean up the glass around you as your boss approaches you.

" y/n, you have caused so much trouble in the past month and I'm sorry to do this but, we have to let you go."


"your things are on the table by the door. I've gave you too many chances to fix and you still haven't."

"Boss please, it was only a mistake I can pay for-"

"don't. I don't need you anymore. we already replaced you." he scoffs.

you stare at him in awe, then look at Nick with worried eyes. he stares back at you then at boss, giving you a "I'm sorry" stare and walks out.

tears begin to welt in your eyes, stinging the bottom of your eyelid.

"goodbye, y/n."
Your boss says walking out of the kitchen.

you throw the glass you previously picked up and walked to the table in the front, throwing your badge and name tag down on the table, take you're duffle bag and walk out, tears streaming out of your eyes like bullets.

you almost run to your car through the dark, shivering parking lot, wishing to be home. you get in your car and cry, leaning your head against the steering wheel with so much going through you're mind.

starting your car, you pull out of the lot and drive down the main road, trying not to cry anymore.
you turn the radio all the way up and roll down your windows.
checking the time, 10:45pm you look ahead of you noticing the empty main road.

not thinking much, you floorboard and speed all the way down, listening too the wind pass across the windshield, feeling you're hair sting the back of your neck from the violent wind gusts.

you felt at peace. nobody to tell you that you were a disappointment or hurt you. you were alone, just you and the rolling in storm clouds.




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