• her details

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tori's details
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distinctive features

EPISODE ONE! distinctive features

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PALE SKIN: Tori is naturally on the paler side when compared to most idols. She was raised in Chicago, where the sun is practically non existent for most of the year and especially in the cold snowy winters. No whitewashing or whitening cream will be used on her as she's naturally pale.

GREEN EYES: Tori is the only idol in the Kpop industry to not have dark brown eyes and instead, idol has a set of beautiful green eyes. She is the only idol to be able to escape the use of light coloured contacts as her eye colour is a 100% real. She also has natural double eyelids, long dark eyelashes and squishy aegyo-sal that makes her look extra gorgeous.

STRAIGHT TEETH: Tori has straight teeth because her parents paid for her to have braces. According to the idol, she had large gaps in between her teeth that felt uncomfortable as she grew older and braces corrected it. Her braces are actually very noticeable in Stella's first few comebacks as Tori didn't get them removed until mid 2020. Since 2022, she's been wearing retainers to keep her teeth straight and taking good care of her beautiful smile that many fans adore.

HAND SCAR: Tori has a huge scar on her hand that goes from her middle knuckle all the way down to her wrist. She accidentally got her hand stuck in a floor vent after she reached in to pull out something she dropped and when she pulled her hand out, she ripped a huge portion of her skin. The injury was so bad that she had to be rushed to the hospital to get stitches. After the incident, she now has a huge scar on her hand to prove it.

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