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Hi guys! This is me, Melostar_AWESOME and welcome to my first ever SOKEEFE/KOTLC FANFIC!!! First of all, I would like to thank Norsesoul for the BIG SOKEEEEFEEEE SHIPPING SUPPORT!!! OwO Also, thank you to Ship_tiana for all da support~!!! :DDDDDD Thank you to all of my followers~ thank you so much!!! And for all of the Sokeefe shippers out there- I'M WITH U GUYSSSS!!!!!!!! OwO (BTW I designed the cover myself, do you guys like it?)

Anyways, pls enjoy this SOKEEFE KOTLC fanfic!!! 


P.S: At first, this will seem like a bunch of Sophitz fluff, but it's actually not! I'm going to write their BIG BREAKUP *MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA* and then I'll officially start SOKEEFE!!! So get ready for a story full of thrills, loss, sorrow, and love...

Call Me Sophie Sencen (KOTLC/SOKEEFE FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now