Birthday Dinner

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We arrived at Zaras house i text her saying that we are outside. She came outside with a really cute outfit."who are we picking up" chris ask "my cousin Zara" i answered "oh that girl you post with everytime?" he say. "umm yea" you answered concerned. "someone has been stalking" nick says under his breath. Nick and i laughed.

Zara came in the car she sat at the back with nick and chris.

Zara:hi guys, its nice meeting you
Y/n:hey Z
Matt and nick:hi Zara
Chris:its nice meeting you too *while smirking and biting his lip*
Zara:oh, happy birthday you guys
Matt:"how did you know" asking with his eyes still on the road.
Nick and chris:thanks
Zara:on Y/ns insta story
Nick:so Zara how are you doing?
Zara:im doing great and you?
Nick:im actually doing good

Nick and Zara were were having a conversation, while i was on my phone , matt was driving and chris is on his phone.

We arrived at the place, the guests were there already but it was fine.all there friends were there.

I sat next to matt and Zara.

I pulled out my vloggin camera and started vlogging.i showed matt and zara, they both said hi to the camera. I talked to the camera for a while and showed what we were doing.

We all got our food and started eating. The food was delicious.

Matt never really spoke to me that much at the dinner.

Zara asked me if she could talk to me in the restroom .we waked to the restroom.

Zara:ok so why i wanted to talk to you,is because i wanted to say sorry to you.
Zara:because i never  believed you, when you told me about the sturniolo triplets.i was just confused because, you have been acting weird and i never thought you would meet them.i thought you were going crazy because remember when you used to like  one direction, you said that you met them and you friends with them. And when you were talking about the sturniolo triplets i thought that you doing exactly what you done with the one direction situation.
Zara:im sorry, i really am.
Y/n:i understand you, but maybe you should ask the person, instead of assuming.
Zara:so does that mean we cool.
Y/n:we were aleays cool cousin.i can never live without you.
Zara:me too

You and zara hugg and walked out the bathroom.
You walk to the table. Zara and i were sitting silent, listening to what Chris and nick have to say about how their high school was.matt was talking to Madi and alana.

Zara and i felt left out and decided that we are going to take an uber to her house then my house.

We took our bags and left.we knew that was really rude but we cant really commenting on their stories because we were never in the same school and we just met.

I talked to the camera.
"so guys Zara and i are in an uber, we had fun but not that much" you say while giving Zara a side eye.
Zara starts laughing and says imagine talking about the past and not explaining to us what happened and on top of that you dont even notice us, you dont even  ask us if we are fine" "exactly" i say laughing.

You arrived at zaras house and went up to her room and she started packing her clothes. When she was done packing, we went in the uber and drove to my house.

Zara then post this on her Instagram story.

Then i posted this on my story

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Then i posted this on my story.

We chilled on the couch talking about how we were left out at the dinner then an unknown number texted me saying 'why i left the party with out saying goodbye' i text backAsking 'who it ws' "its nick" the unknown number texted

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We chilled on the couch talking about how we were left out at the dinner then an unknown number texted me saying 'why i left the party with out saying goodbye' i text back
Asking 'who it ws' "its nick" the unknown number texted. "Oh hi" i replied saving his number. "you guys left zara and  i out and never asked us if we okey" i text.
"Im sorry, its been awhile since we saw our friends" nick texted back. "I get it that you never seen your friends, but you all never gave note of us,your friends also give us death stares especially madi and Alana" you replied.(no hate to madi and alana)

You went out of the chat and told zara what just happened and she agreed what you texted to nick.

You then decided to end your youtube video and start editing it because you were and zara went to your bedroom and zara laid in the bed watching tiktok and you were on your bed editing on your mac book.

During editing you put on your insta story what you going and asked' who is ready for your first video'

During editing you put on your insta story what you going and asked' who is ready for your first video'

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You finished editing and post the video. You and zara fell asleep.

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