26. Dead or alive

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My eyes have finally adjusted to the darkness. I look around only to find a tiny window with the moonlight shining through and a door adjacent to it. I stand up and I start pound on the door, screaming for someone to come save me and I never get a response. My mind races as my tears have become a never ending stream down my face.

I'm fucked. Why did I leave the house? Where was I supposed to go!? I'm so fucking stupid.

I walk over to the door again and start pounding once again. "HEY!! I NEED TO PEE!! Is anyone there!? I'm gonna pee myself soon!" I screamed but again, there's no answer. I accept my defeat and sit back down on the bed; hugging my knees. Suddenly the door opens and 3 men dressed completely from head to toe in black pile into the room. Then a woman walks in after them with a slight sassiness in each step. It may be dark in here but I can see them clearly. I can see that she has a very high ponytail and her makeup is sharp. Her eyeliner could poke someone's eye out and her lipstick is a candy apple red. She's wearing a very tight white dress that looks like she had to oil herself in order to put it on. "Stop pounding on that fucking door." Her tone is rude and if I wasn't stuck in a room like this I would have fought her. "Uhh I had to pee." I said in a soft tone to keep things for escalating. She nods and two of the men grab each of my arms and hoists me onto my feet. The 3rd guy covered my eyes with a blindfold and secured it to my head very tightly. I couldn't help but have negative thoughts.

Damn it! Please don't kill me. Please don't kill me!

In the darkness of everything, I am suddenly nudged forward and my feet stumble. I can still feel their nasty fingers gripping my arms as I'm dragged and pushed. I have no clue what's happening but being unaware of what's happening is gut wrenching and it only makes me more fearful. My ears perk up and I hear a door open and the heels that belong to that woman clinks the ground in a rhythmic beat. The sound echoes and ricochets off the walls and I have been given a clue that we're in a hallway. All of a sudden, their hands let me go and the door slams shut. Instinctively, my hands come up to take off the blindfold and I'm startled by the woman in the white dress. She is standing in there with me. "Go on." She says with a snarky attitude. I look around and that's when I realize that I'm in a bathroom. "Umm... are you gonna stay in here?" I questioned out of wanting some privacy. "Unless you're going to take a shit, I'm gonna be right here. Don't get any stupid ideas." She says as she pulls a gun out and points it at me. Both my hands come up and I surrender, hoping she doesn't shoot me.

Once I'm done, I washed and dried my hands. "Put the blindfold back on." She commands and as soon as it's on, I hear the footsteps of those men pile in the bathroom and those hands are back on my arms. I hate this but if I want to survive, I'm gonna have to do whatever it takes to obey and shut my mouth.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Right.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Left.
1, 2 — 21, 22, Left.

That's how many steps it takes to get back to the room. I hear the door open and I am pushed in. The door slams and I once again, pull the blindfold off.

6, right, 10, left, 22, left. Don't forget that.

I continued to repeat it in my head until I fall asleep. All alone, in the dark and in the cold.


Mr Min's POV

I'm furious with Yoongi. I can't believe that he would let something like this happen to her. I hope that we don't have to experience the same thing that happened to Yuri. Y/n is so young. Her life has barely began. She just started understanding Yoongi and Yoongi is finally coming around to telling her he loves her. I make as many calls as I need but Yoongi could very much lose his future wife and the woman he loves before being able to show her that he loves her. We can find her dead by sunrise. For all we know, she could be getting tortured right now. That thought aches my heart and stomach.

I watch as Yoongi paces around the house like a child that had too much sugar for breakfast. I'm not sure if being a father to him is a good thing for him right now but I'm just going to have to be the man he needs. I need to warn him. I need to make sure he doesn't turn into me. God knows, one is more than enough. My sweet girl comes down and runs over to her brother. "Yoongi...don't worry! Daddy will find her." Yuna says in a soft and gentle voice to calm him down. "You. Don't. Know. That." My son replied and instantly my body ignites with heat and flames running through my veins. He is doubting me and I don't blame him. He walks over to me and drops to his knees, clasping his hands together and begins to beg. "Father please. Please find her. Please!" His voice is shaky and cracks as he weeps at the same time. "Yoongi." I called him and Yoongi looks at me and I can see the fear in his eyes but the pain in his heart is much greater. I would know. Losing Yuri was the hardest thing I've had to overcome. Some days, I still have a hard time. It's 3:07 on my watch, I need Yoongi to get some rest. Things are about to get really tough. "I promise you that we will find her. Dead or alive; I will find her. Go to bed" I said and I can see that he is losing hope.

I must find her...not for me or for Yuna but for Yoongi.

He already lost his mom like this and I can't let the love of his life suffer the same death.


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