29. Toying with the enemy

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Narrator's POV

It's 8:57pm, Yoongi checks into a hotel and as he stares into the skyline, he calls Jihan. After a single ring, she instantly picks up. "Yoongi! You haven't called me in a long time!" Her voice is cheery but Yoongi musters together his best acting skills to ensure he doesn't ruin tonight's plans. "I'm at the hotel. The one near your apartment...care to join me tonight?" He uses his raspy voice, hoping it'll summon her out. "Am I just some toy to you? You told me about y/n and I don't want to be some stupid mistress." Jihan pokes at Yoongi with a tiny whine. "Just because we are arranged to be married doesn't mean I actually like her. I'm headed to your place right now, I'll see you soon, okay?" Yoongi tries to get her out in a hurry. "But I'm not home!" Jihan continues to whine and use her cute baby voice that Yoongi always found annoying. "Oh...where are you?" He digs for a confession. "Uhh, I'll just meet you at my apartment! I'm leaving my parents place right now." Jihan blurts as she's eager to see the man she is infatuated with. She has a hunger in her core that only Yoongi can fulfill.

Meanwhile, Yoongi drives over to her fake apartment and waits for her.

"She's on her way to the apartment" Yoongi texts his father and Namjoon is tracking him closely.

Jihan speeds over to her apartment without her father knowing and she's completely oblivious. She has no clue that she's about to step into a trap. A trap that could very much get her killed. Sleeping with the enemy is one thing but her father also murdered Mrs. Min. She pulls into the parking garage and races up to her apartment to freshen up. Pulling out her phone, she texts him to come up and wait while she gets ready. Yoongi enters the elevator and slowly heads up. He gets to her front door and fixes his shirt before ringing the doorbell.

Jihan runs over to the door and swings it open for the handsome man to enter. She immediately locks her lips onto his and he plays along. Kissing her back and allowing her hands to tousle his hair as she starts to try and make out with him. "JiJi." Yoongi says as he breaks their kiss. "What! I missed you...yoooooongiii" she brings that whiny voice back again. "Come on. I wanna continue this at the hotel." Yoongi says while leaning closer and closer to her. His lips touches her ear and he whispers. "I want them to hear you. I want to hear you scream; and JiJi, you're going to feel things like you've never felt before." Yoongi's voice deepens and he quickly grabs her wrist and drags her down the hallway and into the elevator.

They're settled in the car and Yoongi leans over to put a blindfold on. "Keep this on...I want to surprise you." Yoongi says and Jihan giggles with excitement. "What? A surprise!?" She yelps and he puts the car into drive; headed for the mansion. To keep her calm Yoongi holds her hand but inside of his chest he wants to hurt her. He wants to find y/n so bad that he wants to throw jihan off the side of a cliff but he doesn't. He keeps his cool because this needs to go without a hitch. "We are almost there JiJi. I know you're anxious but wait a little bit. When we get there, I'm gonna help you out of the car and hold your hand until it's time. This took a lot of planning so don't ruin your own surprise, okay?" He nicely built up the scenario. Jihan nods and more giggles escape from her tiny body.

Yoongi hops out and races over to the passenger door. He opens it, grabs her hand to guide her out. "No peeking" Yoongi says in a playful tone. "I won't. I won't." She says with confidence as she brings one foot in front of the other. Walking with Yoongi until they come to a sudden stop. They are now standing in the center of the mansion. Everyone is scattered around the room; some are standing and some aren't. Mr. Min is sitting in his seat, anger coursing through his veins and the color red is slowly creeping into his vision.

Yoongi takes hold of the blindfold and Jihan smiles. "Ready?" Yoongi questioned and before a simple yes escaped her lips; he pulls the cloth over her head and her eyes lock with Mr. Min's. "Hello Jihan, welcome to my home. It's nice to finally meet the piece of trash that Yoongi's been playing with." Mr. Min's words stabbed her ego. "Yoongi, what's happenening? W..why are we here?" Jihan's voice is as shaky as her knees. "Father, please don't be so mean to her." Yoongi continues his act by being a good "boyfriend" to her. She tugs at his shirt hoping he'll reply to her but he pulls her behind him. Yoongi turns around and grabs her by her shoulders and gives her a gummy smile, but all of a sudden...that smile drops. His face is cold. Stoic and almost lifeless. He slowly lowers himself to meet eye to eye with her. "Jihan, how long were you going to wait to inform me that you're a Hyun?" Yoongi tilts his head to the right as he speaks with a monotone. He brings his hand up to cup her chin and her body winces out of impulse. "Oh, You think I'm gonna hurt you?" Yoongi questions in a mocking baby voice. Tears begin to well up in her eyes as her body is overtaken with fear. "P—please don—don't hurt me" she begs but none of this will work. Yoongi straightens his back and walks away. Jihan's feet begin to shuffle but she isn't sure whether or not to follow Yoongi.

Mr. Min clears his throat and begins to speak. "Is y/n alive?" He questions her but Jihan is so scared that she has forgotten how to use her vocal cords. "ANSWER ME." His words rumble throughout the house. She simultaneously flinches, squeezes her eyes shut and cups her ears. "Y—yes. Yes sir" she stutters and suddenly with a slight nod from Mr. Min, Mr Kim, y/n's father shoves Jihan's back roughly and she quickly falls to her knees. Her face showing signs of pain as her knees break her fall. "Do you have any idea how much pain your family has caused mine?" Mr. Min's voice carries a hint of pain causing Jihan to lift her head. "Your father has sent me a message...I guess now it's our turn. I'm sorry to say this but your father killed my wife in a slow and painful way and I'm thinking that as my revenge, I shall make his little girl suffer the same death." He smirks confidently as he sees tears begin to erupt from her eyes. "Father." Yoongi interrupts and strolls back over to her. He has everyone's attention, including the damsel in distress. She thinks that he is going to rescue her but he actually plans to do worse. "Jihan has a tiny tattoo on shoulder blade...that would be the perfect message to send" Yoongi's vendetta against the Hyun's is stronger than ever. He's merciless and fearless.

Jihan musters up the courage to stand up to the Min family by speaking out. "P—please. I'll tell you everything." Her voice continues to shake and crack under fear. Yoongi draws a gun and points it directly to her right temple. "Well...speak!" He pushes the cold metal against her flesh. "She's at our house, in a cellar down the stairs!" Jihan said in one breath. The cold metal leaves her head and Yoongi walks away; leaving her helplessly on the floor. Another nod from Mr. Min and she's swept away by his men. Her honesty just saved herself from being skinned by Yoongi. We will see how long that'll last.

Meanwhile, Y/n is just as helpless in her cellar. It may have only been two days but it feels like an eternity. It's been hours since someone has come to her. She's dirty and hungry. What makes her feel even worse is that she is afraid of what kind of message this family is going to send to the Min's next. She stands up and begins to pound on the door again. She hasn't peed all day and she's definitely sure that her breath is horrid right about now. "Hey! I need to pee. Jihan! Please! I haven't gone at all today! Pleeeeasssseee!" Y/n cries out in despair; hoping that they can hear her desperation. The door finally opens and the men yank her out; this time without Jihan. They don't bother to blindfold her so now she has a visual understanding to where they're taking her. Her eyes are scanning everything she possibly can and looking for a way out. They throw her into the bathroom and she begins to wonder if they're aggression is present because Jihan isn't here. Y/n does her business while collecting her thoughts. She flushes the toilet and decided that maybe she can peek out of the tiny window at the top before leaving. She steps onto the seat and takes a look out the tiny window. Her eyes only sees grass and some trees in the distance.


Secretly bonded (Yoongi x Y/N ff) 18+Where stories live. Discover now