35. Home

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Narrator's POV

As soon as Yoongi left her hospital room after his father kicked everyone out; He couldn't hold back the tears any longer. He wept like a new born baby because she finally woke up. He thought she was going to be gone forever. She makes him so emotional. Tears of relief and joy spring from his eyes.

I guess I really have fallen in love with her. I have to tell her. She deserves to hear it. I need to tell her how loved she truly is.

**buzz buzz**

His phone vibrates and when he pulled it out he noticed that it's Jin.

"Yah! Is she awake yet? No one is sending us updates or anything. Do I have to come to the hospital myself?" He texted but Yoongi can hear his voice lecturing him. "She just woke and She will be going home soon. You can see her there. I'll let you know when." Yoongi quickly responded before shoving his phone back into his pocket.

After several hours of craziness and people entering and leaving her room; they're finally ready to get her discharged from the hospital and sent home. The surgical doctor comes in to inform all of them that she wouldn't be able to walk due to some of her injuries. She's going to have to undergo some rehabilitation to get her walking again, which really means that y/n is going to need a lot of help.

They get her to the house in an ambulance so her wounds are monitored during transportation. Y/n is relieved to have Yoongi there to hold her hand during the ride. Once they arrive at the house, there have been arrangements made in the guest rooms on the first floor for her. The grand doors are opened and everyone is there to greet her.


Once the doors open, I'm instantly shocked by the decorations. Balloons and streamers scattered across the entire place. There is a huge "Get Well Soon" banner stretched across the ceiling. My eyes couldn't believe was was happening. The people who I didn't expect to be there, were there! Everyone was here! The bartender, the flirt, my friendly coworker, my bestfriend and her boyfriend, my parents, my brother, murderous mysterious man with the baby face, and even Mr. Min and the house staff.

"SURPRISE!!" They all screamed and I couldn't help but let the tears begin to roll down my cheeks again.

"Damn it! She's crying again! Did you guys have to go to this extent?" Yoongi starts lecture them and honestly he is kinda killing the mood. "No I love it! It makes me happy Yoongi!" I shouted to make him stop. Everyone had obviously put in a lot of work to do this. I am filled with happiness.

Namjoon comes running up to me and bends over the bed to hug me. "Yah yah yah! You're going to hurt her! She isn't healed yet!" Jin yells at him from the other end of the room. Which makes me giggle and fill with joy for the first time in over a week. Namjoon stops right before hugging me and pulls away. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a new phone. "Here...since your old one is trashed and lost." Namjoon says to me before putting it in my hand. I thank him and they push the gurney into the bedroom and transfer me to the largest hospital bed I've ever seen.

How the hell did they get this in here?

I looked at Mr. Min and my father; both holding a stoic expression. Slowly, one by one, people begin to pile into the room to stay with me. It's a bit overwhelming but I missed them all. Even the stealthy guy I barely know. Yoongi is sitting next to me; playing with my knuckles with his thumb.

"Look, you guys don't have to leave but you guys need to get out of here. Y/n needs her rest in order to heal. She has a rough week coming up and I don't want you assholes lingering too long." Yoongi stands up to push people out. He pulls Hoseok up and begins to shove him towards the door.

"You're just afraid that if we stay here long enough, she might fall for someone else" Jimin says with a wink and Yoongi races over to him.

"Get. Out. Before I take you out myself." Yoongi threatens. It's kind of cute that he gets so overprotective and jealous. "Geez...I don't know if I like this overprotective husband vibe" Taehyung pokes at Yoongi and begins to make his way out before everyone else. They all laugh to ease the tension in the room and begin to trickle out. He comes back and joins me on the bed once the door is shut and Yoongi lays next to me without touching me so he doesn't open up anything that shouldn't be opened.

We laid there in silence. Side by side; with nothing to say. I take my right hand and grab his left; interlocking our fingers together. "Go to sleep y/n. Tomorrow is going to be a bit scary and crazy for you." Yoongi mentions. I know that it'll be scary because we don't know how well my legs and back are working.

What if they don't work?

"Hey, whatever it is that you're thinking about...stop it. It'll be fine. I'll be there for you and with you the entire time." Yoongi muttered and peppered me with butterfly kisses on my cheek.


Secretly bonded (Yoongi x Y/N ff) 18+Where stories live. Discover now