Chapter 4

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     Peter was lucky to get sleep the night before, he felt slightly overwhelmed. He had no idea if his plan was gonna go well.

Peter shook his thoughts away and got ready for school. He put on a quick outfit and headed out for school.

He began listening to music, walking along the sidewalk. He sighed 'I hope this guy isn't up to no good' peter thought to himself.

At the campus

  Peter walked into school, and wandered down the hall to his locker. He opened it and then his spider senses went off. He peeked around his shoulder and he saw that same guy from before.

Peter watched as he walked off, heading into the direction of the cafeteria. Peter waited till he got far and began to follow him.

He stayed a ways away from him, the guy seemed to fixated on his book to notice him, but then, the guy stopped and looked up. Peter jumped up and hid behind a corner as the guy turned back.

The guy looked around, and tilted his head slightly ".... hu, strange, I could've sworn I was being followed" peter felt his heart pound, could he tell he was following him?

The guy shrugged and turned around continuing to walk along. Peter poked his head out and exhaled sharply 'this might be more harder than I thought' peter noted to himself.

He sighed and walked along to the cafeteria. He walked down the hall's looking around at the scenery. Once he reached the cafeteria doors he inhaled and exhaled before entering to the cafeteria.

He looked around for a bit before he spotted ned and mj, he smiled seeing the two waving at him. He walked over and sat down with them.

"So, peter is he here today?" Mj ask, peter hummed and nodded "yeah, but do you wanna know the crazy thing?"

The two leaned over in there sets, as peter was and sounded serious "what is it?" Ned asked

Peter looked around and saw the boy not to far away, fixated on his book. Peter looked back at them and stated "he knew I was following him, even when I silenced my steps"

The two looked stunned "no way" mj replyed, peter nodded "yes way" he looked over again and stated "he's over there" the two looked over to see him deep in his book.

The three stared at him for sometime before he seemingly blinked and looked up. Before he could see them staring they turned back and acted casual.

The guy sighed, closed his book, and stood up beginning to walk out. He ended up passing their table, peter looked over and saw as the guy made eye contact with him.

Peter instantly looked away, feeling slightly intimated. Peter exhaled sharply as the guy disappeared from line of sight.

Ned and mj sighed as well "if he knows we follow how are we meant to keep an eye on him?" Mj asked, peter sighed and followed with a groan "I don't know mj, for now let's keep a distance and only follow him if there's other's around"

The two nodded at him, follow him on a down low and keep an eye on him in any classes, do keep an eye on his actions, see what he does.

That's how it went for the past week. The three made sure to keep an eye on this being. So far, no suspicious activity. But they can't be to sure to stop watching him.

They reported back everything this guy does. He especially is interested in reading about the earth and how it works.

Peter caught him checking out books about the earth's tectonic plates and any fault lines.

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