Chapter 15

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    The Avengers sat in anticipation as Shuri scanned Brook. Ash sat next to him, holding his hand. Though Shuri wasn't found of the idea due to it possibly getting scanned and in the way of results, but if it kept Brook calm then she would allow it.

She carefully scanned Brook, and when her arm peice beeped she knew that the scanning was complete. She stood up and walked over to a bigger screen —as there was more info on this—

The Avengers followed her, Ash stood up and murmured to Brook "I'll be back in a bit love" he leaned down and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He walked over to where everyone else was as Shuri uploaded the info to the complex computer.

Some small talk happened before the data finally uploaded to the screen. Shuri cleared her throat. All of their attention went to Shuri as she began "ok, so due to the electrocution he suffered major damages as you can see here"

The computer demonstrated the damage on Brook and, it didn't look good, however "he's very lucky, not much nerve damage was done. I'm thinking it was because of his stone and the magic in him, but that didn't stop the damages he endured"

The person outline on the screen had a large variety of red, orange, and yellow displayed, very little green shown. The Avengers stared in silence, Ash covered his mouth in horror. Shuri pointed out

"He retained minimal damage, most of it was done around the area of stone. On his neck and part of his chest, hence the shortness of breath and the wheezing" Shuri explained. They all stared in shock.

"The only reason he got up and fought was mainly due to adrenaline, but he also was being nursed back to health. That couple he mentioned had manged to do some intravenous, which gave him the proper fluids he needed and they most likely tube feed him"

The Avengers and Ash nodded, Ash however was more focused on Brook. He turned to him and felt sadness flood him, he walked over to where he stood previously.

He looked down at Brook, who wincing and wheezing. He was whimpering and had tears flowing down his face, clearly in a lot of pain. His mind began to flood back with the memories of Brook in a dark space.

All the times he's cried in his arms, vented to him, even going as far as accidently easedropping on him and his dad's arguments from time to time —when he flew over to visit—.

Ash couldn't stand to see Brook in anymore pain. Ash carefully scooped up Brook's hand into his own. Brook turned and faced him, Ash carefully stroked his thumb across his hand.

Brook gave a weak but bright smile. Ash kissed his hand and murmured "I'm gonna make sure you're never in pain anymore, starting today."

A green aura illuminated from his hand. Brook watched as the burn slowly disappeared. Ash sorta lifted Brook up in his arms. One of his hands to rest on Brook's chest as he began to heal him. Shuri and the avenger's were talking about Brook's condition and what they could do to help him.

"How long do you think it will take him the heal?" Tony asked, Shuri looked a down, slightly shaking her head "I don't know a few months possibly more" she told him. The Avengers gave this defeated look.

Peter looked up and at the screen again, the table kept an analysis of Brook's condition. Surprising to him, Brooks condition was getting better fast. "Uh- Shuri!" Peter spoke up, interrupting her.

"Wha-" she cut herself off and looked at the screen. The Avengers did so as well, they then turned to where Brook lyed and found that Ash was healing him.

They ran over to them "kid what are you-" Tony cut himself off. Ash didn't look up at him but he spoke up "I can't stand to see Brook in pain anymore... he's been through enough. So I'm gonna relieve him of his pain"

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