Chapter 1

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  4 months later

   Time drove on since that day, the day they won and got everyone back. There was alot of celebration that went down.

But now the Avengers still have that one question in the back of their minds

Who was that girl?

The Avengers (now being a massive team) meet up on earth once a month for updates, not only that they're trying to track down that girl they encountered

Heh easier said than done

   The Avengers sat in the meeting room waiting for a few late comers to arrive

  Some Avengers had small talk while others sat around waiting either patiently or impatiently for the late one's

"Where are these guys we've been waiting ages" rocket complained leaning back in his chair "I am groot" groot stated

"Who cares if their in a situation they should at least notify us that they're gonna be late" rocket pointed out

"I am groot"
(I am NOT translating that)

"GROOT/TREE" Thor and the guardian's of the galaxy shouted, the rest sat there confused "what did he say?" Tony asked

"Oh no we are not translating that" nebula stated giving the other guardian's a look "you need to watch your language child" she said to him

Groot grumbled a bit and went back to his game

Finally Peter came swinging in with Ned and MJ following behind "we're so sorry we're late it took the principal a bit of convincing to let us out and-"

Tony cut him off "it's fine your here now and that's all that matters"

"So now that everyone is here we can start" steve said "alright, quill anything different in space" Tony began

"Not much of a change just the usual criminal's we come across" quill explained "hmm, alright then, T'Challa got anything"

"Nothing so far, however we are getting reports of strange activity within some of our main earth elements" the Avengers perked up

"I've sensed it after that encounter with that strange girl but I didn't think nothing much of it as I thought it was the planet reacting to the second snap" Dr, Strange stated

Ned pulled out his laptop and began typing soon enough he spun it around "the news showed alot of weird activity with the ocean with an increase of activity, wind currents, volcanic activity, forests growth, raging blizzards, a strange light that glides in the day and sometimes in the night, and creepy shadow like creatures"

The Avengers took turns looking at the screen "how long has this happened" Tony asked Ned

He shrugged "we're not sure this information has gotten out a couple of weeks back" Peter began to think

"What if that's what strange felt?"

Everyone turned to Peter, rocket gave this look "now that's impossible"

"No no no no no think about it, Dr, Strange said he felt this weird force after that encounter with the girl, hypothetically speaking if this girl was the one person that we came across what if there's other's like her, maybe they're causing this strange activity"

The Avengers and his friends stared at him "it's just a hypothesis" peter said

"Ok yes it is, even if that is true why would these people do this?" Thor asked

Peter shrugged "that's the part I'm wondering myself" the Avengers began to ponder

"Hey kid have you seen any strange kids at school?" Tony asked, MJ spoke up

"Nope we haven't but we'll inform you if we do" Tony nodded and the Avengers continued their meeting like normal

A few hours later

  Everyone began taking their leave, Dr, Strange opened a portal to the sanctum, T'Challa was picked up, the guardian's of the galaxy borded their ship and flew off and so forth

MJ and Ned called an Uber to go home, the two waved goodbye as Peter wanted to stay a little while longer

Peter walked around for a while before he met up with stark in the main room

The two made eye contact for a split second before Tony got back to what he was doing

Peter walked over and stood next to him. There was silence for a while as Tony exhaled quite alot happened in the four months

"Mr, stark" peter began and slight patted his back "I'm sorry about you and pepper" Tony again sighed,

Their was quite a casualty between the two that lead to some pretty massive arguments which soon lead to them separating

"It's fine kid, with all of this going down it was bound to happen anyways" Tony replied, peter nodded and looked back to the hologram above

"Find anything?" Peter asked "nope, and I'm not even close" Tony replied sitting down and placing a hand across his face

Peter watched as tony slouched in his chair looking pretty stressed, Peter walked out of the room and swing his way into the kitchen

"Friday where's the coffee at?" Peter asked "in her sir" Friday responded before blinking the light on the cabinet

"Thanks" he said as he opened it and pulled it out. Peter had set out the coffee machine and began brewing the coffee, "Mr, Stark is really stressed about this hu" peter commented

"Yes quite a bit, he hasn't slept in a couple of days" friday explained "has he now?" Peter stated waiting for the coffee to brew

Once it finished peter poured it into a cup and walked back to the main room seeing tony writing stuff down

Peter set the coffee down next to him, Tony looked up slight and smiled at him silently thanking him perter nodded and sat down with him

The two began to investigate some hypothesis about these anomalies looking through the news articles and even scowering the internet

Turns out many people had filmed lots of strange things like those dark creatures which looked like demons and they were pretty creepy

There were even shadow figures that are often on screen for no more than five seconds (they actually calculated that)

They were both up all night.

The next day rolled around fast and may had came to the Avengers building to see if Peter was there

To which may and happy found the two asleep on at the table, Peter was woken up and taken home for the day remembering the task for school

Stay tuned for Chapter 2 untill then

Cat~con out

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