02 - Basic Alt Tik Tok Kid

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He felt like just another mugger darting in and out of dimly lit alleyways, a heaviness in his step like a stone in his shoe. Heart beating loudly against his ribcage begging to be let out of its fleshly prison.

It went ignored.

He was almost there almost in the safety of the convenience store, it would be ironically inconvenient for whoever was chasing him since murdering someone infront of a cashier and actually functioning camera's would be too much trouble or atleast (Y/n) hoped it was.

It hadn't even been two hours since he got home from Jester's party and he was already in more deep shit. He cursed the world for letting him have nightmares. The only reason he actually left his apartment again was because of those cursed things.

A nice walk he said. Some dubiously 'fresh' air and cold chill will do you some good, he said to himself in the cracked bathroom mirror. He wanted to throttle his past self, maybe shove their head under the dirty water in the sink and just keep him there.

The store was insight now (Y/n) pushed harder against the cement in his ratty red shoes he wasn't the only one speeding up, the sound of footsteps on the rooftops getting more sloppy in syncing with his own.

Shoes skid on asphalt, air escapes lungs, a bell rings.

The inside of the store was lit up by buzzing fluorescent lights, a welcome noise for (Y/n) focus on, breathes still coming out raggedy.

Looking up he was met with lavender eyes with white pupils, he wore matching purple hair and a confused look on his pierced face, recognition rushed through (Y/n).

"You're Aizawa's and Yamada's kid right?" Obvious unease leaked into the air as Shinsou shifted into a more rigid posture. Realization hit the (h/c) man like a sticky hand from an arcade.

"And you don't have to answer the weird, out of breath masked man that just sprinted into your shop in the lanes." (Y/n) sighed awkwardly, slipping the simple medical mask out of his face, an attempt at a charming smile on his face.

"Your folks help me sometimes and sometimes I help them. They talk about you a lot, all good things I assure." He continues to ramble, hands now clasped together, mask in between them in an anxious gesture.

"I'll just go grab my stuff now." (Y/n) barely manages to mumble out as he starts to approach the back of the store.

"Wait-" The lavender teen who seems more relaxed now calls out. "uh are you (Y/n)?" Shoes squeak against the tiled floor (Y/n) once again facing Shinsou a question on his tongue one he doesn't have to speak before Shinsou answers.

"My dad's talk about you sometimes." He has a hand on the back of his neck, a small smile on his lips before disappearing again. "Unless I'm wrong, sorry it's just the hair and the-" he gestured a hand across his face and neck in the same spots (Y/n)'s held scars.

(Y/n) in turn raised his hands waving them slightly in front of him.

"No no your right." A small mischievous smile sprouted from his lips. "Your folks talk about me?"

"Don't get ahead of yourself but yeah, good to finally meet the elusive teen that keeps one upping my parents." He was slouching over the counter again pulling the lip ring into his mouth.

"I guess some people aren't made to be chasing kids on top of rooftops, can't all be heroes." A short laugh filled the air, Shinsou ever so slightly more hunched over leaning back to show a wild grin.

(Y/n) now once again heads to the refrigerators actually making it to his destination this time looking at the Monster cans.

"Colour?" He calls out to the lavender hair boy.

"Don't you think it's a bit late?" (Y/n) grabs a white monster can for himself.

"What baby wants milk instead?" He throws his head back looking back at Shinsou.

"Piss off and original, it's the best anyways." A small huff and the (h/c) haired boy is back at the counter with both cans in hand.

"The original tastes like piss." Hands brush against his own taking the money.

"And the white one doesn't?"

Crack of a can opening cool liquid slipping down his throat

"Fair enough."

Comfortable silence filled the air, the streets still devoid of life, not a single thing moving, the static nature of it all makes his skin crawl.

"Seems like you were in a rush." Curiosity was an old acquaintance to Shinsou, one that he rarely lets out of the closet, hopefully it treats him well this time around.

The (h/c) haired boy bounced on the balls of his feet, mind racing for a reasonable answer.

"The lanes are a rough place to live, dangerous. Just needed to get out a spider's web is all." a cryptic but an understandable one.

Silence follows, then more irrelevant soft conversation, tension leaks out of (Y/n)'s shoulders like water out of his taps in the apartment.

The sun started to rise slowly not like he could see it, swollen slate coloured clouds rolled against each other whispering sorrows to each other, tears would fall soon and he didn't have an umbrella.

"My time to leave, see you around." (Y/n) slips his mask back onto his face, shoving two pop tabs into his pocket.

"If you want my dad will be here soon he can give you a lift." The lavender boy grabs his jacket from the chair behind him. His co-worker said she'll be there in less than five.

"Nah gotta get back before the hounds get me." (Y/n) nearly shivered at the thought of getting caught up with some hero wannabe or a cop, hate to get killed for looking 'suspicious'.

The bell rang again for the first time since he walked in singing him a goodbye. It was a little over the top compared to Shinsou's small wave and smile despite the obvious crease in his brow.

He hopes he gets home safe. 

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