03 - Self Care and Worry

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The shift changes, a car arrives, a warm greeting between a lavender haired boy and a certain underground hero takes place, the sky grows darker with rain. 

"You know the kid in the lanes you found?" 

"You saw him?" 

"Hard not to when he sprinted into the store." 

"What happened?" 

"No idea said something about not getting caught in a spider's web." 

"Sounds like him." 

"What? strange?" 


"Did he stay long?" 

Shinsou gives a short hum and nod as an answer. 

"Most of my shift, left with another cryptic message when I offered him a ride home-" Shinsou's eyebrows furrowed lightly "'Gotta get back before the hounds get me' he said. Something doesn't feel right." 

"Nothing ever does when it concerns him." Aizawa didn't let his face slip but Shinsou could feel the worry in his tone. 

Stacks of money sat by (Y/n) on the floor, looking as if they were freshly minted ready to be put out into the world for the first time. 

This of course was not the case. These notes had been passed through hundreds if not thousands of hands with many varying intentions.

To see something that was so previously affected by the world change into something that looked like it never went through any of it. It made (Y/n) shift with satisfaction and perhaps a bit of hope. 

He had sorted the money into piles. It was rearing the end of the month bills needed to be paid, the house was still empty besides himself. Two days he kept whispering to himself despite the curl in his stomach latching onto his organs festering into- He let out a deep breath and continued to count the money. 

Time ticked by as he counted and wrote down everything into a little black book that deals with financials concerning his 'business' but the numbers weren't adding up properly. His drugs sell and they sell fast yet he was still missing- He rushed towards the living room nearly tripping over invisible obstacles. 

He darted between the couch and the coffee table reaching the door where he dropped his backpack several hours ago, forgotten by the desire to sleep and a late night walk. 

He tore open the backpack, zipper breaking. He flinched slightly knowing he will have to repair that if he wanted a functioning bag but that didn't stop him from roughly reaching into the back to pull out viles he never got the chance to sell. 


He gripped the viles tighter, standing up. "Fuck" Panic in a mask of anger creeped into his chest, his free hand clenching tightly against itself crescent shaped marks turned into cuts small beads of blood pooling around his nails. 

Inhale. (Y/ n) felt the tenseness in his shoulders, bile licking up the back of his throat this is not the time to panic. He needs to focus. 

Exhale. Teeth snapped shut with a piece of his cheek in between them, the taste of copper was followed by sweetness, swallowing harshly he let the feeling of calmness ease his body. (Y/n) drops the vials back into the bag walking towards the counter top and picking up his phone. 

He had the number dialed before he could really register it, the ringing was soft as he looked around the apartment. It was a bit of a mess, the dark stain on the wooden floor that was there before him and his father moved in, taunting him. 

"Why didn't you call me earlier." Cree's voice was gruff, a sense of fatigue coating every word. "We made a deal (Y/n)." (e/c) eyes stare intently at the granite counter still preparing himself to explain what happened. 

"You could go by yourself as long as you kept me up to date on what was happening." He stopped texting Cree fairly on in the night, the weightless feeling getting to be too much. 

(Y/n)'s shoulders rolled awkwardly, something about ripping off the bandaid right?

"I left early and I didn't sell everything." The room lapses into silence and for a second he thinks the lines gone dead. 

"What happened?" 

(Y/n) gives up the information willingly, the words tumbling out his mouth. He talked about the dizziness, the conversation with Jester, revealing half his face, Jester using his powers on him, running to his bike. The room goes silent for a second time. (Y/n) broke it this time. 

"Please don't tell my dad." He would freak out if he knew what happened and they needed the money.

"Y/n" Cree sounded pained at the notion. 


"You know how this works, I'm only helping you because he said it was okay, as long as you don't get hurt." That was a long argument with your dad  the only reason you won it was by pulling the 'I've been doing this for months' card. 

"I'm not hurt Cree." Physically at least. 

"You know what I mean." He wishes he didn't. 

"It was just a close call." (Y/n) flinches at his own words they've been said to many times in the wrong circumstances to feel comfortable. 

"There's nothing 'just' about this (Y/n). You're smarter than that." (Y/n) could hear small tapping sounds through the phone he gets that Cree is fiddling with something. 

"So you're not going to tell, right?" It sounds more pleading that (Y/n) would of wanted but-

"I made a promise (Y/n)."

"So did I." 

The silence was heavy, too many long nights and experiments gone wrong lay between them, words that should've been buried clawing its way out of the mud just to be whispered between the two, things that shouldn't have happened, happened. 

"I'll pay the rest of your rent, come by the shop in an hour." 

"How did you-" The phone clicked, marking the end of the call. Why did his questions never have answers? With a resigned sigh (Y/n) moved to go get dressed accepting the fact he wouldn't be getting any sleep


A gift

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