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Just like that (Y/n) was off again zooming down increasingly busy roads nearing speeds that wasn't really legal. The rush was worth the risk of getting caught any day, nothing was just like being speedy but that all came to a stop when he realized he was in some of the more occupied areas of the city. The sidewalk and roads was just oozing at the seams with people god he hated Saturdays.

Slowing at a red light (Y/n) took a glance around. He knew there was a cat cafe around here somewhere, then he spotted it nestled in between two buildings. He found a parking spot quickly after carrying his helmet inside this time.

The inside did not disappoint, soft pastel tones on the walls with cute decals, the front desk fit the rest of the shop a soft blue colour, a ginger cat lazily sat on top not a care in the world, the lady behind the counter smiled warmly at him and he was quick to order a chocolate coffee and a slice of cake of whatever she thought was the best. 

Looking around and actually taking note of the open seats (Y/n) couldn't help but notice one of the occupied seats holding none other than Shinsou and how could he ever let the chance to steal a quick chat pass him by? He walked over flopping on the chair opposite the purple haired teen who looked rather surprised. 

"Funny seeing you here," The teen spoke conversationally, placing his helmet next to his chair. 

Shaking the shock off himself Shinsou gave a smile. "The same goes to you." There's a grey cat in the other boy's lap looking rather content. "I didn't suspect to see you so soon " 

"Same goes to you although," (Y/n) glanced over to the wall with the counter. Many small clocks surrounded a big one, each of them a different time zone, the large one being their time. It was still early just before 11 AM. "I doubt you've slept. It wasn't too long ago you were at the shop." 

The lavender haired boy had one hand on the cat and the other clutched around a mug of coffee. "I have trouble sleeping and seeing you up i'm guessing the same goes for you." Shinsou held a rather knowing look in his eye. (Y/n) shifted uncomfortably.

"You could say that." And well (Y/n) would say he was lying sleep came difficult to him and often didn't stay long but just the reminder about how badly he fucked up last night at the party was salt in a wound Shinsou didn't know was there. 

Before Shinsou could say anything more the waiter came by with (Y/n)'s order. "Chocolate coffee and a slice of Russian honey cake." The waiter smiled, placing it on the table. "Thank you, it looks great." The teen smiled back. 

"No problem (Y/n) call me over if you need anything else." (Y/n) stilled tension crawling back into his spine. How did they know his name? (Y/n) barely managed to make a sound before Shinsou spoke. "You ride?" Shinsou looked at the helmet as if actually seeing it for for the first time. 

He gave a nod, mind still going for loops but inevitably pushing the thoughts away he'll deal with it later. "Yeah, I got my license awhile back." Illegally but he didn't need to incriminate himself to Shinsou. 

"You didn't ride it to the Convenience store." The why went unsaid but not unnoticed. 

"Like you said-" (Y/n) smiled a melancholy thing. "-Sleeping troubles." The bell above the entrance rang and he took a glance over, he was reaching into his bag before he knew it, slapping a couple notes down on the table before zipping it back up and grabbing his helmet. 

The figure walked over as he stood up and Shinsou watched silently. "Aizawa." 

"(Y/n)." Said boy silently cursed himself he had been avoiding the man ever since someone tried to mug the older man and (Y/n) ended up being in the right area at the right time. The teen walked home with a knife wound that day. It was mostly healed at this point but I couldn't bear the thought of facing the man again. It was too embarrassing. 

A little whisper in his brain told him that embarrassment should not be the emotion he felt after he got stabbed but c'mon it was kind of embarrassing getting hurt in front of someone. 

The teen tried to leave eager just to get on his bike and fuck off into the sunset yet the day was still young sun in the sky and things had a tendancy to not go his way. Aizawa grabbed his arm and no one said a word. The cafe's chatter continued and the world did not stop but his feet were stuck to the ground and (Y/n) could feel his face start to burn with shame. 

Aizawa sighed, letting go of his arm. "I won't keep you here but kid-" He stopped for a second looking awfully troubled, not like it would look like it to anyone else but (Y/n) knew him. "Are You okay?" He nearly huffed out smoke at that, already feeling the shifting in his lungs but gently quelling it down the way he taught himself. 

"I-" "Sorry is there a problem here?" The waiter from earlier cuts in a disingenuous smile splayed on their face. (Y/n) looked at the waiter and I mean really looked and could see animosity clinging to every inch of their body, muscles pulled taught like a bow string about to release. Why did the weird things always have to happen to him? 

"No it's okay I'm on my way anyway." Aizawa must have gotten the message too since he left himself slink back into the seat that (Y/n) was previously in. "Zawa, usual spot, usual time." He didn't really know if it would count as the usual anymore considering it's been a couple months but it's fine the other would know where and they both didn't have to worry about unwanted listeners. 

The bell once again chimed a goodbye as he walked away from the shop and to his motorbike, he didn't want to go home the apartment would be empty, that always unsettled him. Pulling out his work phone and opening contacts he hovered over Cecil's number, he needed to chat with the man and it'll keep him busy for a couple hours, on the other hand though he wasn't sure he wanted to talk about last night either, so as he came up to the bike he let his finger scroll to his favourite contacts page and pressing a number that he admittedly knew by heart. 

"What do you want?" (Y/n) let out a harsh laugh that sounded more like clearing his throat. "Wait- Spectre?" 

"Yeah it's me I was wondering if I can cash in that favour?" 


Okay to keep it simple about why I changed Jester's name to Cecil is because I found out another fanfiction had a 'villainous' character named Jester that had the same mask and body type and hair blah blah blah and since that came out before my fic I just decided to change it to keep my brain from dying on me. 

Also Cecil isn't his real name but everyone just knows him as Cecil Silvers which basically just is 

Cecil - blind 

Silvers - money 

Which makes his name Blinded for money which no yeah that is very true. 

This chapter is a bit rushed. I'm also now painfully aware I need work on my dialogue. 

Also yes the photo attached is Cree's reference I use (made by yours truly) I can't draw people who look older than their 20's but let it be known Cree is at least a couple years younger than (Y/n)'s father. 

So peeps tell me what you like, what you don't like, tell me all your little theories or things you've picked up or just tell me how your day is going, maybe give out some song recommendations. Anything you like folks. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2022 ⏰

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