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The ride to Cree's shop was short and largely uneventful, much like securing his bike in the much too narrow alleyway before walking through the dulled red door that opens into the warehouse that had been converted into a working and living space. 

Navigating through terrible drywall corridors (Y/n) finally ended up leaning against the doorway to Cree's office where he sat hunched over his desk, long purple strands falling in front of his face. 

"You're late." Cree spoke finally looking up horns pointing towards the ceiling, black eyes making contact with (e/c) eyes. (Y/n) could see the stress lines in the older man's face speaking more of what Cree was up to than the man would ever admit. 

"Had some trouble with my bag." He slid said object off his back walking into the room arm outstretched bag in hand allowing Cree to grab it. 

"Why is there duct tape on it?" Cree let out a huff of amusement that levelled out into a smile crows feet drinking in the corners of his eyes, (Y/n) couldn't help but copy it. 

"New fashion trends, you should try it sometime." Cree ripped the duct tape off the bag plunging his hands inside to take the vials out.  

"That's-" Cree took a deep breath in and he could tell that the older man was already done with this. "That's a few more than I thought." 

(Y/n) looked away rather bashfully, shoulders curving inwards slightly, in truth he didn't know what to say to that but luckily Cree didn't expect a reply instead leaning down and grabbing a bag under the desk and placing it on top. 

"There's enough money to cover the rest of your rent and groceries okay?" Cree reached into (Y/n)'s bag pulling out the rest of the contents. 

"Oi what you doing and how do you know it's the right amount." The teen reaches out to grab his bag only for Cree to move it out of (Y/n)'s reach. 

"You can't use a broken bag so I'm oh so graciously giving you this one until I can repair this one." Cree stood showing off his height, easily towering over (Y/n) who doesn't seem bothered by the change. 

"Wow how kind of you." Sarcasm licked at the words. "You didn't answer the other question." Cree dumped the remaining items from the old ratty bag into the leather one. 

"(Y/n), you can't possibly think you've managed to keep everything a secret?" Cree's long barbed tail flicked hastily before going back to its slow repetitive movements behind him. 

"Okay I'm sick of you being so cryptic." (Y/n) snarled hand reaching to pick at the scar on his neck before a clawed hand grabbed him before morphing back into calloused a hand he knew too well. "You're one to talk, it's easier to get a straight answer out of a rock." (Y/n) silently thanked Cree for not bringing up his habits. 

Cree's hand slipped away from his own, still taking small glances at the teens hands making sure they wouldn't try it again. 

"Cree." (Y/n) pleaded needing to know the answer.

"(Y/n)." Cree smiled knowing he wouldn't give it. 

The teen clicked his tongue grabbing the leather bag from Cree's desk.

"If you won't give me answers I'm leaving." 

"If you won't explain to me why your doing this then I don't really care if you leave." The fuck is he one about?

"What is 'this'?" The teen makes the universal 'tell me more' gesture. 

"C'mon kid you're smarter than this." Cree leans against the desk to be close to exasperation but not there yet. 

(Y/n) scrunched his nose, desperately done with this. What would he even be talking about? Oh oh.

"Is this the Jester thing?"

"Yes kid, it's the Jester thing." 

"Look okay I know it's bad but it was a one time thing." The teen can feel the consequences to his actions fast approaching and he was not liking it. 

"Jester is a client of mine," Cree sighed, hand reaching up to pinch the bridge of his brow. "He is rather forthcoming with information," He looks up, eyebrows twitching downwards in obvious disdain. "but his pride is larger than life, so he loves to brag." Now he was lost in the conversation but unwilling to speak just yet (Y/n) gripped the bag tighter. 

Cree undeterred by the silence continues. 

"He told me all about how useful you are in business meetings." The grip on the bag was enough to make the teens hand shake. 

"Look I don't blame you, Jester probably offered you a lot of money to do that stuff but it's not worth it."

"How are you supposed to know?" The teen spoke uninhibited only to recoil at his own words. 

Cree didn't seem to mind, only allowing a hand to touch a spot on his shirt that the teen knew held a scar underneath a long ropey thing that stretched across a decent portion of the older man's torso. 

"I know Jester, I could argue too much so I'm telling you again. Stay out of it I'm sure it's not too late to back out." And what a right prick Cree is telling him to stop something that he didn't even realize was benefiting them all. 

"What if I don't want to?" (Y/n) knew he was pushing it but who else would toe the line? 

"You keep pushing yourself to the limits. What's going to happen when you break?" The teen finally snapped away from the position he felt stuck in awkwardly standing in front of the door, sliding the leather backpack on before turning around back now facing Cree. 

"I'll pick up the pieces like I always do." He walked away and Cree didn't stop him


This is so heavily un beta read. I haven't even read through the entire chapter myself which by the way I had to rewrite the entire thing because things were not adding up also this chapter is cut in half cause there was this thing I had with Shinsou but I realized it was going to be too long so I'll save that for Friday. 

How are y'all doing today? also what are your thoughts on the chapter? Thoughts on Cree as a character? 

Also I have the heaviest temptation to write more fanfiction (A bnha x m!shapeshifter!reader, a dbh x m!engineer!reader, a Batfamily & m!hellhound!reader and a creepypasta x m!reader that works at the harbour.) but I know I just have to focus and finish this one first but doesn't stop the absolute want I have to write more. 

Also Cree's design was loosely given to me by a reader! thank you so much moo ^^

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