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A Chat


I'm sorry and I'm updating Tuesday; also fanart; also also a sneak peak into a chapter that is very far away and might not happen. 

fanart made by thatonestupidperson

Okay so the plan it to update this every Friday and Tuesday and I know this is already going tits up because I can't update today

(I asked for help with Cree characters design because I don't have one and the two people I've asked has not responded to me and I can't really go forward without a visual description of the man I've always just thought of him as a tall and intimidating with a quirk that changes his physical appearance (Totally can see him with a barbed tail idk why) telling y'all this in case any of you have ideas for him^^ cause I'll definetly use them.) 

So I can't update today and that sucks I'll probably work on another fic of mine but again I don't want to leave you guys with nothing so here is my favourite scene I have written for this fic I don't know if I'm still going through with this plotline and explaining why they moved again is giving a bit too much about the story but please feed. 




Y/n) wishes that his relationship with Izuku was one of comradery, that at a young age he jumped to protect the green haired boy from the bullshit their peers put him through. 

This was not the case. 

He watched and ignored but he did not do anything to stop the relentless bullying, he slipped bandages into the others bag but he didn't speak to the other. To this day guilt still hangs from (Y/n)'s shoulders causing him to hunch forward slightly just enough to cast the past into shadows. 

The beginning of middle school was so long ago but it's where he learned how to be small, how to contort his body into boxes to appease the people around him. 

He was standing in front of a door, a plate of sweet treats clutched a bit too tightly in his clumsy hands. Izuku would not be here, the UA dormitories made sure that the only one on the other side of that door should be a kind woman that he had been trying to avoid.

His dad put a stop to it on the third day of moving across from the Midoriya's, shoving the plate into his hands and offering him to go and apologize to Inko for being so rude.

Yet he was still just standing there, brain pleading for his hands to work, this should be easy just lift his hand and knock, just when he thinks he could run back, hide behind a door to an apartment that has yet to feel like a home, the door opens in front of him, a startled looking Inko on the other side.  

He wishes he could melt into the ground as they stare at each other for a second longer than what would be socially acceptable and despite that, Inko smiles and words feel like molasses in his mouth. 

Rationally (Y/n) knows that there is nothing to fear here, he knows that Inko won't suddenly turn into a demon and skin him alive, he knows that he won't be condemned to damnation for small unruly acts, he knows the world won't end with a drop of a hat but (Y/n) is not a rational person. 

"You've grown so tall." It's the first thing she says and it forces him to take a sharp inhale he forces his quirk not to activate, not keen to blow ciggerate smoke in her face, in (Y/n)'s defense he only ever smoked once but he guesses that's all he needed. 

"I guess I was a bit small when I left." There is a small frown on his face one that he tries but can't wipe away but Inko laughs and moves aside a hand gesturing to inside, an offering he takes with as much confidence one can have in entering someone else's home. 

"I was just about to make some tea. Would you like some?" She grabs the plate and he slips off his shoes. 

"Yes please." The words sound clipped even to his ears, the apartment has changed as they tend to do. The couch was moved and the coffee table was different, the walls are a different colour but the small cat statue that sat by the shoes hadn't moved from the last time he was here. It was a small comfort but one that helped ease the strain in his shoulders. 

He takes a seat by the table in the kitchen, Inko knows this place well and is shown by the way she practically floats through it. The plate full of cookies, muffins and meringues sat by a bowl of fruit on the table, this is a good time as any right? 

(Y/n) could already feel his face burning up with embarrassment. "I am so sorry for avoiding you Aunty." There's a sharp laugh that is quick to be snuffed out his head snaps up from staring at his nails. Inko had a hand over her mouth that did not hide a wide but not unkind smile.

 "Sorry I just-" She giggles a little more. He didn't think she looked tense before but she is obviously more relaxed now. "I haven't heard someone call me that for a while now, even Katsuki has grown out of it." 

He sputters apologies he shouldn't have been so- "Don't think to hard (Y/n) it's okay I don't mind." She's sitting across from him now, pushing a cup of tea towards the teen when did she finish making it?

"You've always been one to shy away from things and people." And that shouldn't have hit as hard as it did, unlike both his parents the tall boy was docile by nature, his back bone was malleable bending each and everyway to placate the people around him.

Inko must of noticed the dip in energy because what seems to be the first time since she opened the door her smile dropped. "I'm sorry that was out of place for me to say that I didn't mean any harm by it." Her eyebrows furrowed and it seems she has taken her turn to over think. 

(Y/n) raised his hands making small X's in the air. "No, no your right." And she was, even if it hurt a bit. 

"but still-" She tried to interject, "No buts and if your still worried I'll call us even for my slip up earlier." Inko didn't seem pleased by this but didn't fight any further, the air returned to it's original semi uncomfortable state, he needed something to focus on something that she'd love to talk about but what would she- "How's Izuku doing?" 

She was off, mood lifting and smile reappearing as she talked about her son's accomplishments and how proud she was of him for going so far despite the obvious disadvantage he was given.

"I know he wasn't treated well before high school, I don't know the extent of it." (Y/n) did, he was torn out of middle school in his first year but he had no doubt that the kids there ramped up on brutality. "but I do know that you kept giving him bandages." 

(Y/n) was wrong, the world didn't end with a drop of hat. It ended here, at a kitchen table with the tea already drunk and on the last sweet bite. 

His mouth was dry and he swears he can feel his eyes start to water from the sheer amount of guilt tugging at the seams of his being, (e/c) eyes meet emeralds, she is not angry and that just makes the tears well up faster than before there is a hand on the

table reaching for his own, there soft and warm and the only thing he is focusing on not risking looking up at Inko. 

"Thank you." (Y/n)'s body locks up even more, feeling so out of place he wished he was back at the hospital instead of here where he swears he can feel the milk in the tea he drank is curdling in his stomach. 

He breathes out and this time acrid smoke fills the air flowing up towards the ceiling. Inko laughed and he said his thanks for once again drawing attention away. 

"When did you become a delinquent?" It was his turn to laugh.

"I only tried it one time Aunty I swear." This only makes her laugh harder, shoulders shaking.

"Youth these days." Is the only thing she said. Maybe moving back here wouldn't be as bad as he thought. 


There we have it folks I hope this adds more to the mystery but *shrugs * who am I to know? See you on Tuesday, nerds.

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